Chapter 5

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And so that was that. Sophie was sure to burn it in, that she was determined to make sure that what happened to Little Carly, wouldn't happen to her daughter alone. But for starters, before she got to doing anything, she was going to have to require some help.

And for that, she already had two of her closest associates in mind. In which they were, Ramona and Victoria. Now, before anything else is said, Sophie only recruited Ramona because she didn't know how to do anything else now except what Sophie told her to. And she recruited Victoria, because she knew that she and Victoria had majority of the same strengths, and plus she is handy with any type of weapon in violence. So basically, they were the only two that Sophie knew that would help her with her plan.

So, as arranged, Sophie called Victoria and Ramona to the guess bedroom of the castle for a brief meeting. And as planned, the two showed up.

Sophie managed to get two chairs into the room, so when they came they could have a seat. She had a small marker board applied as well. You know, just so she could prove her points.

Okay, the two women entered the guest room and took their seats as instructed. Sophie then walked to the front of the room near the marker board to greet her visitors, despite Ramona already living the castle.

Sophie:"Alright. Hello everyone! So glad you could be here today!" Sophie greeted holding a black marker at her sides.

Ramona:"Well we're glad to be here Sophie!" Ramona said with a smile.

Victoria didn't respond, she just gave an eye roll at how goofy Ramona sounded.

Sophie ignored that and continued on with her presentation.

Sophie:"Okay. So anyway, I'm pretty sure as you are all aware that there is some kind of previous issue going on. In the castle, and around us!" She told them.

Ramona gasped and Victoria's eyes widened in shock.

Victoria:"Well that's new." She said sitting back and crossing her arms.

Sophie:"Yes, Victoria. New indeed! Now, as I begin, I would like to present the main assets of our meeting today. If you don't mind." Sophie said taking the cap off the marker and reaching up to the board.

The two watched carefully to see what Sophie was going to show them. The first thing she drew, was the symbol for males. Ramona and Victoria looked at each other, and then back at Sophie.

For the second thing, she wrote Little Kelly's initials on the board. And for the 3rd thing, she drew a large knife. She then turned back her guests with a psychotic smile on her face.

Ramona and Victoria looked at the board. Victoria instantly got what Sophie was trying to say, and Ramona had trouble understanding from the first thing.

Victoria:"Okay. So we got males, Little Kelly, and a knife. Okay? Now what?" She asked her.

Ramona, while still processing, eventually got it as well.

Ramona:"Oh I get it! We got males, Little Kelly, and some murder? I think?" Ramona said rubbing her chin a bit.

Victoria looks at Ramona and immediately face palms.

Sophie:"Yep! Right you are! But not just males, boys! The trigger happy lust machines of the season themselves!! And I need your help to keep Kelly safe from any harm, plus commit some gruesome murders as well!" Sophie said drawing a bunch of arrows and extra symbols in addition to the three things she had already drew.

Both Victoria and Ramona looked at Sophie with confused yet worried expressions.

Ramona:"Wait. So what does this actually mean, Sophie?" Ramona said in a concerned tone.

Victoria:"Yeah. Like, you want us to basically help you protect Little Kelly, and commit gruesome murder? I'm confused." She told her.

Sophie put the cap back on the marker and put her hands behind her back, forming a serious yet evil type expression on to herself.

Sophie:"Why yes. You see ladies, you may think that this is pretty bizarre coming from someone like me, but I'll be honest. I'm only doing this for my daughter's safety, and our safety. Because if I don't, menacing events can take place, for the cruel influence of someone else's DECISIONS!!" Sophie yelled bending her hands into claws in rage.

Ramona thought about Sophie's words, and immediately remembered that Little Carly had told her and Raven that she was pregnant.

Ramona:"Wait hold up! Is this about Carly's pregnancy?!" She said quickly rising out if her chair.

Sophie chuckled and walked up to Ramona to gently caress her cheek.

Sophie:"Ah ha. Smart girl. I see now that the news has gotten out. And I thought I was the only one that had this info." She said before walking back to the board.

Victoria heard this and put her hand to her forehead in stress.

Victoria:"So, let me get this straight. You want us to help you stop Kelly from getting with some random guy, and getting pregnant?" Victoria asked her in confusion.

Sophie began to nod insanely fast while rubbing her hands together and giggling like a crazy person.

Ramona saw this and realized one thing. That this wasn't like Sophie, and that Sophie would never try to do anything crazy like this.

Ramona sighed and walked up Sophie.

Ramona:"Okay. Sophie? I know that this is not a good time for you, but I just want to say one thing. This isn't like you! You can't prevent something by using violence and murder. You have to have some kind of balance for certain things to occur and for some things not to occur! And I should know!" Ramona said putting her hands on her shoulders.

Victoria got up and walked over as well.

Victoria:"Yeah Sophie. And we all remember how bad Ramona was. So if she can handle her issues differently, maybe there's a different way for you to handle this too." She said putting her hand on her back.

Sophie couldn't believe this. They were really trying to convince her that there's different ways to handle this. But Sophie had already made up her mind on her plan, which made her more angry considering that they were trying to find something that's not even there.

Sophie started to move quickly, in order to get their hands off of her.

Sophie:"No. Not again. Me and Tom have waisted too much time on both Kelly and Carly alone. And if all that time GOES TO WAIST, BECAUSE I COULDN'T PROTECT MY DAUGHTER FROM THE SAME FATE AS THE OTHER ONE, THEN SOMETHINGS SERIOUSLY WRONG WITH THE WORLD!!" Sophie said slowly backing the two into a wall.

Ramona and Victoria frantically looked at each other and back at Sophie 5 times before Sophie grabs them both by the neck, practically choking them.

Sophie then leaned between them, so she could whisper into their ears.

Sophie:"Now. I've got a special operation planned, and you two are going to help me, whether you like it or not. Understand? Good. Now when I let go of you, you will do anything I ask. And I don't want to hear any complaints." Sophie said before letting go of their necks.

Ramona and Victoria gasped for air once their necks were released. They then gently sat themselves up against the wall while Sophie left the guest room to go attend to some things.

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