Chapter 10

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So Sophie had returned back to her room with the cursed book she received from Ramona, and set herself up to perform a ritual. Sure, Sophie wasn't as experienced with these things compared to everyone she's come in contact with, but at this point, Sophie was desperate.

She wanted nothing to stand in her way of stopping any man or boy from getting their hands on her precious daughter. At no matter what the costs may be or no matter how high the stakes are.

Sophie is willing to do any and everything for her loved one. Even if it takes disturbing the realms of the spiritual demons of obsession, then so be it!

Sophie got some dark green chalk from the back of her closet, she draws a medium sized pentagram in the middle of the her floor, and sits the book in the middle of it surrounded by cinnamon and mint scented candles.

But before getting into position, Sophie made sure to take a brief look at the ritual's process, so she could make sure that she could perform it correctly.

After that, Sophie then stood at least two inches away from the area she had set up, and put her hands together in a prayer type position. Except she wasn't reaching out to any gods.

She then closes her eyes, and proceeds with the chant she had seen inside the book.

"Here, here spirits of the dark world. I am in need of your essence. Possess me an obsession." She chanted.

From there, a dark era began to creep out from the corners from Sophie's room, showing that the ritual was being activated.

Sophie kept chanting this, making it so that the demon she was summoning would have full access into her soul.

By around the 15th round of Sophie's chanting, her room had gotten all dark and a demon had been summoned. And right away, the demon swooped into Sophie's vessel, allowing itself to make itself at home inside of Sophie's mind and conscious.

Once the ritual had been completed, Sophie quickly cleaned up everything, closed the book and hid it underneath her bed so no one would become suspicious.

Sophie then sat on her bed and took note of her surroundings.

Sophie:"Hmm. I don't feel any different." She said out loud.

She then looked at her hands to see if anything has changed. She didn't find anything, except a small dark red bruise in the palm of her right hand.

Sophie:"Ah ha! Well that's new!" Sophie said amazed that the ritual actually worked.

Feeling a dizzy all of a sudden, Sophie then decided to take a short nap to freshen herself up.

But little did Sophie know, was that this demon she let possess and take over her, was going to come in handy sooner or later.

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