Chapter 9

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"Ramona. There you are." Sophie said as she entered Ramona's room.

For four hours, Ramona had been reading a book, but she stopped reading as she saw Sophie inside of her room. Although she was very curious as to what would cause Sophie to approach at such an unexpected time.

Ramona:"Oh hello, Sophie! Is something wrong??" She asked her with a quick switch in her expression and tone.

Sophie didn't answer, but she did look off to a random direction with a look of aggravation and let out a small groan. By that Ramona knew, that something was bothering her.

Ramona:"Oh no. What happened?" Ramona asked sitting her book to to the side and getting off her bed to approach Sophie.

Sophie didn't really know how to explain to Ramona what was wrong, but she did know that Ramona would do anything to help Sophie deal with her issue. Because all Ramona knew how to do now was help people.

Sophie:"It's a long story, Ramona." Sophie said taking note that her mind was currently scrambled after what had happened.

At this point, Ramona knew that one or two things could be wrong. One, being that she might be in a bad mood because of something horrible, or two, that it has something to do with Little Kelly. But either way, she wanted to know what was wrong so she could help her.

But after a moment of silence, Sophie then explained to Ramona why she was so irritated. After Ramona took Sophie over to her bed and sat with her for a little chat.

Ramona:"Oh Sophie. I'm really sorry that this has bothered so. But..." She started.

Sophie looked at Ramona with wide eyes.

Sophie:"But?" Sophie asked wanting her to finish.

Ramona:"But you can't stop time, and you can't stop nature." Ramona told her.

Sophie was shocked. Was Ramona literally taking her daughter's side over hers? She couldn't help but be mad at Ramona for betraying her like this. Even if it wasn't on purpose.

Sophie:" Well. Isn't this just swell? Huh Ramona?! WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO, RAMONA!? JUST LET MY DAUGHTER SLIP AWAY FROM ME, AND DO NOTHING?!!" Sophie yelled as she got up and began to storm away from Ramona.

Ramona got up and Followed Sophie, so she could try and convince her that she's overreacting just a little bit.

Ramona:"Sophie listen! I know that your worried about your daughter doing something wrong or making the wrong decisions. Tom was too! But you can't let these thoughts take over you and make you feel feelings that aren't there! And it's really important that-" Ramona stopped as she was cut off.

Sophie had put her hand up in a stop signal, to tell Ramona that she's heard enough. Sophie had too many things going through her mind right now, and she didn't need a lecture from someone that barely knew how she felt anymore.

Sophie turned back around to Ramona from facing her doorway, and walked up to her, giving the meanest look that literally reminded Ramona of when she was evil. Ramona saw Sophie's expression and frowned considering that that look reminded her of her past self.

Sophie, standing at least 2 inches between them both, raised her hand and gently began to caress Ramona's cheek as she briefly began to start her confrontation.

Sophie:"Now, Ramona. I know, that you've made a lot of changes with the time that had gone by. Am I correct?" Sophie asked her in a dominant tone.

Ramona couldn't help but agree with her. It was true. Ramona had changed so much, that there's just some things that she just wouldn't do anymore.

She touched Sophie's hand where it was placed on her cheek, and slowly nodded.

Sophie:"And you wouldn't want anything rash to happen while you're this weak. Am I right?" She asked her.

Ramona began to shake as she became more nervous.

Ramona:"N-No. I-I wouldn't!" She told her as various scenarios flooded her thoughts.

Sophie then removed her hand from Ramona's cheek, and was now pointing at a bookshelf at the back of Ramona's room, with some spell books that Ramona no longer used anymore.

Sweat began to run down Ramona's face as she could only imagine why Sophie would be pointing at those books.

Sophie looked at Ramona with the most intimidating look as she prepared her request.

Sophie:"But enough about that now. Do you see those books back there?" She asked her.

Ramona glanced at the shelf and back at Sophie four times before shooting her a look of confusion and worry.

Sophie:"I want you, to go back to those shelves, and get me the darkest book with the darkest spells that you have." She told her.

Ramona took a nervous gulp, and proceeded to go to the bookshelf and get Sophie what she desired. Once she obtained the book that Sophie described, she walked over to hand it to her.

But then she thought. She realized what Sophie was going to do with this book, and she wasn't sure if she approved. This book however, possessed a strong and noble power that could only be used for evil and would surely take over Sophie the second she used the spells.

Ramona:"Hey I'm not sure this is a good idea. This book has a lot of evil spells and powers" Ramona said handing the book over to Sophie.

Sophie smiled as she took the book from Ramona.

Sophie:" Of course, darling. That's why I chose it." Sophie said walking away with the book.

Ramona drew a worried expression upon her face, as she literally watched someone she drew herself closer to, walk away with something that could harm them.

She knew it was wrong, and she knew that when things got to rough with Sophie having this type of power, then she swore to stop Sophie when she got the chance. But for now, she sat in silence.

Ramona:"Your welcome." Ramona said sadly to herself.

She then laid back on her bed and proceeded for a short nap to drown her worries.

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