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THE RAIN WAS FALLING heavily which made Johanna to sleep a lot more than usual,she stirs on her sleep and turn to the other side feeling as peaceful as ever forgetting that she has a school to prepare for

Her mom was already awake a plump fair woman who takes everything too serious for Johanna's liking,she already had her bath and starts preparing breakfast for her family even though she have maids to do that but she prefers cooking the family meal herself

She checked the clock and saw it was 7:08am,she sigh wondering why those lazy children of hers aren't awake yet?, she knew they didn't take after her and that pissed her up most of the time but she tries to remain calm as possible

She stormed out of the kitchen going straight to Jonathan's room, Jonathan is Johanna's twin brother and they do show off the same level of laziness especially when trying to wake up in the morning,it was quite obvious they aren't a morning person

The elegant woman knocked quietly on her son's door but got no respond,she got more pissed and tried opening the door which was quite obvious it was locked from the inside,she made an evil grin and went to her room where she found her husband still sleeping and wondered why she married a lazy ass person like him that had gotten into her children's DNA

She took an extra key to her children's room and left the room quietly not to disturb her sleeping husband who will surely be against her going after his sleeping children,she walked through the hallway as she wondered how spoilt they were by their dad,she inserted the key into Jonathan's door and luckily for her the door swung open revealing a sleeping Jonathan

Jonathan and Johanna look alike in every aspect,they were both light skinned, beautiful and handsome and also have black hairy features,the only thing missing on Johanna is Jonathan had two set of deep dimples in his cheek but Johanna had hers in her chin

The woman went over to tap the sleepy head

"Wake up son,you have school to go to"she said quietly but the young man only stirs and roll to the other side earning him another tap from his mom

"Mummy stop disturbing my sleep"he muttered groggily

The woman didn't bother much and went to his bathroom to fetch a very chill water which she pours on him and all she could hear was a loud shout followed by a groan from him,his eyes were crystal clear and the woman was appeased

"Go get your sister"she said walking out of the room

"Yes Ma"he replied angrily storming over to Johanna's room

He went closer to her and quietly tapped her while she muttered incoherent words,evil Jonathan smirked and climbed over her yelling in her ear


Poor Johanna have to jump out of fear with her eyes widely open surprised about what happened,her surprised eyes slowly changed into a scorn when she noticed her brother above him

"Are you stupid?"she yelled after feeling wet due to her brother's wet clothes

"You should be happy mummy didn't wake you up,she poured a very chill water on me"he replied shrugging

"Get of me Jonah before I scratch your face"she said menacingly

"You dare not"he warned but obliged climbing down from her "this is what made all the girls run after me"he said shaking his head in an unacceptable manner

"Those girls are quite sick in the head,I don't see anything handsome in you"she said standing while Jonah smirked

"Obviously Anna because you're as well as ugly like me bet you forget we look alike a lot"he said emphasising in the alot while Anna only rolls her eyes going straight to her bathroom ignoring her annoying twin brother

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