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JOY RAN TO HER bathroom digging her hands into her mouth as she vomited all the food she had taken,she did it again and again till she had nothing left to vomit,she started crying looking at herself in the mirror she couldn't help but agree with them that she's definitely ugly

"Lord just take my life"she muttered and decided to leave her room before her Nana finds out what happened

She rush out of the bathroom wiping the tears from her eyes and she took her school bag leaving the house without telling Ruth who is in the kitchen tidying it,she went out into her compound and found her driver waiting for her,she climbed the car placing her earpiece on her ear before the car was ignited roaring to life as they drive out of the compound

School became visible than she expected and soon enough they were inside the school compound,she stepped out of the car walking away without acknowledging her driver which the driver found odd because normally Joy will spent five minutes talking to him after dropping her and that made the elderly man to love the girl the more

She went inside her class and sat down since her friends haven't arrived yet and started crying as she placed her head on her desk

"Hello girlfriend!"Bisi said in a cheerful voice,Joy raised up her head to look at her friend with dull eyes

"What's wrong girlie?"Bisi asked and Joy broke out into more tears

"I want to die Bisi,I really wanna die, nobody loves me or care about me I know I'm fat and ugly but why can't people leave me alone like that,why can't they let me be happy or is happiness for only beautiful people!"Joy said crying and lamenting

"Oh my! What happened? Please don't cry and you know I'm here for you"Bisi said hugging Joy as she cries the more,she suddenly excuse herself running into the ladies bathroom as she try vomiting but nothing comes out,she felt sick and started heaving as she feels her energy draining

She washed her hands cleaning her face as she walk back into the class to see Bisi and Anna exchanging greetings

"Babe yesterday was fun!"Anna said ignorant of what's happening

"Definitely!"Joy said trying to laugh but ended up faking a smile

"I saw the pictures on my Instagram you girls are pure devils why didn't you invite me"Bisi said glaring at them while Anna chuckled

"It's not how it seems Bisi,it was all Jonah's Idea,he wanted to go out jogging with me then James wanted to follow us which we agreed then we called Joy out when we were in her street to join us"Anna said shrugging

"Well that's not bad since I'm living few street away"Bisi said and look at Joy "how are you feeling?"

"I'm fine now"Joy said faking another smile

"Are you sick?"Anna asked

"No I'm not,I'm just tired"Joy lied and Anna nodded,they all departed and went back to their seats

Desmond was already in school sitting in his is usual seat as Anna sat down

"Morning beautiful!"Desmond said leaning into Anna's ear

"Morning,how was your night?"Anna asked

"Good I think"Desmond replied and Anna's eyes landed on Dami who was glaring at them,Anna swallowed and face the other side while the teacher entered the class


The bell was rang for break period Anna and her friends left the premises to have their break

"What do you wanna eat?"Anna asked her friends,she wanted to get the lunch for her friends

"Coconut rice is okay for me with chivita"Bisi said shrugging while Joy looked away

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