Part 12

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Clara's point of view

I can't believe I was the one that did all that. I just hope the person poisoning Anna doesn't go after Nuella. I got into the car and sat down Nuella's assistant already texted her that she was free to step out in like five minutes, I relaxed in the car but first I removed my shoes.Touching these shoes just reminded me of my angel, Someone who is always there when I am in trouble. I wonder if I deserve that kind of person.Anyways I'm still awkward and clumsy Clara, I better not start liking any cute guy that can never be mine.I almost forgot I have to travel tomorrow but it's weird because Sir Ryan or his secretary hasn't called me.I smiled to myself as I pictured my meeting with Ryan at the airport, "Silly". Soon i arrived at Nuella's house.

Ryan's P. O. V

I guess I missed her again, she's gone. Now I am sure that we won't meet again.Just then my assistant called me on phone. I wonder what happened, I guess the drug transporter wants to meet.

" tell me ".

"Sir, the drug transporter wants to meet

." ok cool, where does he wanna meet?

" well he said he will be at tassys tasty today"

."Why such a childish place, anyways no problem.

"Ok sir

".Tassys tasty my foot, didn't he see places like unique "I slipped my phone into my pocket and looked around for fake Nuella one last time but there was no sight of her.

Clara's P O. V

Nuella's guards had already left to join her as well as her assistant. They told me to wait but I have a lot to do today so too bad Nuella won't see me when she wakes up. I ran into the compound, my leg still burns because of those heels even my flat shoes are paining me so I removed them and walked down with only my "Barbie socks" I must say this suite is really pretty, Nuella must be so rich to rent a suite in such a big hotel.My aunty Tassy just called me I wonder why she called, seems like she wants to treat me. Arrrgh I feel so uncomfortable. I instantly scattered my hair all round as I walked out holding my shoes in my hands.I checked my purse. It's obvious i am broke, I slipped my hands into the pocket of my nurse jacket, turns out it's empty.No problem I am going to trek home.I was about walking out when Tony walked out of the hotel and walked into the suite. He just opened the gate and saw me he then looked down the white big suite And 3 others suites in the estate. I wonder what he Is doing here but I must say he is looking good, Just like he always does, my fake boyfriend.Now I remember I am looking silly, why didn't he come before I removed my shoes and scattered my hair?Oh my, oh my. This is wierd. I instantly bowed and turned back.

" hey, Clara, where are you going to?

 ", he shoutedI turned and waved at him

" oh, I will just look for my brain, I think it fell off, where is it? I started acting as though I lost something he instantly chuckled.As he walked closer to me.

Tony's P. O. V

Her hair is unexpectedly nice today even if she just scattered it.Someone also made her up, She's so pretty But why is she barefooted and holding her shoes? Secondly, why is she in a hotel suite? Is this where she slept all night? I wonder, I really wonder 

." oh it's Clara, I never expected to see you here ".

" sir, In the same way your enemies will be surprised to see your blessing" .She tried sneaking past me but I stopped her with both hands