Part 37

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Clara's pov

I stormed into the yard smiling in tears ,Ryan wants to see me ,I wonder how he is. Just then I barged into 6 men. they were dressed in thick black suits. some held brief cases and some wore glasses.I moved back ,my mom stood up with Lia.Diana rushed out with my dad.

" how may we help you?" my mom asked

"you have 30 minutes to leave this house

"what!!"my mom said

"why " my dad said

"what's going on " I asked

"we are no longer renting this building" the man said

"but people are still living around" my dad asked

"sir your rent is obviously delayed so you do not have any right to say all the things you are saying ...guys move inside and help them pack. The boys stormed in, my dad placed his fingers across his face. Anna again. What did that girl's obvious this is her hand work why won't she stop? I ran out of the house.. I moved my wet hair and ran faster...I took the bus I was freezing because of cold .people didn't even realize my clothes were wet. minutes later I arrived a.g.h.c I stormed upstairs and stormed into her office her secretary ran after me. there Anna stood looking out of her window.she told her secretary to leave.she sat down on her i seeing red marks on her neck or am I seeing things.and why is the front of her hair getting scanty most importantly why is her eyes dimmed? Is she okay? Anyways that's not why am here.

"Clara welcome" she said sitting in her chair" why are you so wet ,you might want to change in my room...

" really, do you think I trust you enough to do that? You might as well kill me in there just 

because of a man...

"Clara shut up. You are talking rubbish" she said opening the file on her table.what kind of creature is this girl? I am talking and she wants to read... I moved over to her table and pulled all the files to the floor .she looked up at me. my tears streamed down just like a wounded tiger.

" what Is your problem Anna? Why are you ruining my life? I left Ryan for you was that not enough you demolished my dad's shop. Now he is owing thousands of people. You sent us out of our house. What do you want me do for you this girl?" I screamed at her.

" go to Utica Clara

" what

" go to Utica and I will stop,I will stop ruining your life.

" how can you be so heartless

" am not heartless, you said you left Ryan right but you were going to meet him even in your wet clothes that how to leave that how to move on , if you didn't want to see Ryan today do you think I will try to demolish your house huh!!!.

" wow so it is all because of Ryan ,it is still all because of a Ryan

" man , because of a you think I am stupid. look at this.. she switched on her projector and showed the video of the two guys who had been following me since morning where they hid 

waiting for me with their guns.

Anna's pov.

" am sure you are smart you must have seen them Did you wonder why they are following I am sure you didn't. I called Jake on phone

" Jake send me a live video of the men waiting in her father's house. he started videoing and I previewed it for her to see. where they hid with their guns...Clara used both hands to cover her mouth.I switched off the projector...