Part 39

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After a while she disengaged herself and we walked into the house I carefully told my parents our plan.after a while of fear they all agreed

"Clara you have to be very smart

" ok dad

" my lady we have to go" Rachel said. both I and Anna turned to look at her.

" I meant Anna " she saidwe both smiled

"Clara can you grant me one last wish?

" tell me

" actually I don't know if I will live or die but i always wanted to live like a normal average girl so will you let me stay In your house tonight till my flight tomorrow?




"miss Clara we need to leave now." Rachel said

" ok ..Anna bye

"ok.i hugged mum,dad, LIa, Diana,Anna.I hugged Anna

" Clara my nurse is waiting at my suite


" always use your brain ... good luck

I nodded..... i can't believe this. I am going to be rich and secondly I am going to be with Ryan I can't wait to see him.i waved at Anna I rushed into the car. All the guards bowed for me. omg can i do this? Soon the driver took off.

Diana's pov

Everyone looked at Anna like she fell from the sky. She smiled

" hi Diana" she said to me. i looked around and bowed

"You know, I always see you..." Anna said

" you recognize me?

" of course you are always bowing.i smiled and she stood up and smiled with satisfaction

"can you show me Clara's room

"of course." we rushed in with Lia. Anna sat on her bed.

" wow pretty" we both smiled she pointed out the window

" isn't that the moon

"it is" we all stormed out and sat on the roof top. Anna smiled happily.

" hey moon, I wish to be happy all my life " Anna said

"I wish to make money" Lia said and Anna touched her hair

"I wish Clara the best " I said and we all smiled.just then Anna started singing..i didn't know she could sing.

" really?

"yes , you didn't know ... wait for it.we all smiledjust then she coughed again and wiped her tears

" Diana, Lia. if I do not die i will try out life again. i will surely live a fulfilled life... i will place my happiness first ,I will be with someone who loves me, I swear ." she said and we both smiled. just then Clara's Dad shouted from the window

" aigooo!!, is someone at the roof top 

" no no one" La shouted

" that means I can easily pour my water

" Anna run for your life..." i shouted and we all ran into the house laughing crazily omg this is the first time I saw Anna laugh.

" Clara's dad is really funny" Anna saidwe all laughedjust then she held her heart Clara's mum came to her