Part 35

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" who is Clara

"I dont know

"Evan didn't say anything about her?

"No! I and Ryan are fine ...he didn't talk about her and I don't care about any other girl he is using for fun all I know that he loves me very much

" good my dear

"ok dad

"good luck on the new hospital

"thanks dad. 

I dropped the call

" Victor you were right , she is just for fun

"ok ,should i continue investigating Clara

" pend it for now ... I am going on a trip so I need you to check the road for me

" ok sir.

" you all can leave , send in the girl

" ok .

Anna's pov
I returned home immediately after I was done with office work .Sam was attending to my dad I sat quietly waiting till he was done with my dad so. He walked out to me
"Anna let's talk in private" ok.
we walked into my study and I sat facing him while wiping my tears
" Anna your father's immune system is you think he might have being taking poison from home.

" no I made sure he doesn't. His food is ordered privately and it's from a sure source.

" then I don't understand why his tissues are getting damaged if this is not poisoning I don't know what it's not visible in my tests

" what are you saying?

" Anna I gave him some drugs...let's watch but be careful about your dad Anna watch everything he eats if he takes the poison again serious breakdown will start. He might cripple him for life

" ok but I'm sure it's not poisoning.

" if so he will be okay.I smiled he looked at me for a while then he stood up and walked to me.he took my face into his hands and looked into my eyes, then my nose, my lips he looked at me for a while

" Sam stop,what are you doing

" Anna wait.... shut uphe moved my hair and looked at my shoulders he gently shifted my cloth. Does he want to see my bra too..

" do you want to see my bra?

" do you want Ryan to kill me?.he raised his hands to my hair and gently touched it then he moved from me

" Anna we need to meet at the hospital


" Anna we need to meet am serious

" what's wrong you are scaring me

" no don't be ... but we really need to meet Anna don't forget ok

" sure but dad is alright now right?

" yes

"Ok.he rushed out while dialing his phone to make a call I looked at myself in the mirror. What was that.

Mrs. Tonia's pov
Malcolm's agent won't pick so I called Malcolm .

" tell Me Tonia

" he is sick again. I carefully added the poison just when he wanted to shatter your plans

" good I hope he dies this time