Part 3

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Clara's p.o. v

I was on my bed, Diana is already gone I had already chosen my outfit for the heath conference I heard Ryan is going to be there who knows I might meet him I want to ask my mother about the lady In the beautiful room but I'm scared she might find out I went there So let me introduce myself a littleMy name is Clara David My mother is a nurse in (A. G. H. C)But for now she is resting because she lied that her leg is hurting but I think she just grew lazy of work She normally does this and whenever we become broke she rushes back to work, my mum is really funny I am 21 I will be 22 soon but you won't believe it I don't have a boyfriend and most annoyingly. I'm still a virgin arrrgh, even Diana is not a virgin anyways I'm waiting for my Mr right. I might be clumsy and awkward but I don't think any nurse in A. G. H. C is more brilliant than I am because I was a nurse right from when I was born. My mom thought me so much I am fair but not white, I have long pretty hair, my figure is quite attractive I think nature didn't cheat on me when it comes to appearance My father has a supermarket I go there every now and then Am the only child but I have an elder sister she is not actually my mother's daughter but she is my sweet cousin "Lia" she traveled and i miss her Ok that's enough of me.

i wanted to go to the living room and ask my mom about the 3rd floor but she just walked into my room with my food, I collected the plate from her and she sat on the bed Right now my mother is touching my hair in that manner, this means she wants to ask the same question again, the same annoying question......

"Clara have you later gotten a boyfriend" , she asked

"Mom!!!! " I shouted

"Sorry, Sorry I was just asking "She said

***I will use this opportunity to ask her ***

"Mom the lady in the 3rd floor, who is she?"

"What!! Clara when did you go there?

"do you want sir Grande to kill you,? "do you want to get killed?"how did you even enter ?"What about the guards "? She asked all these at once, I scratched my hair

"Mom I didn't go there live, I was in my dream like this...... I laid down and closed my eye then I opened them and continued "In my dream mom I heard the voice of God, he said "come my daughter "

"Really my child, she asked I sat up

"Yes mom and he took me to that room spiritually and I saw the pretty lady there, mmmm she was so beautiful My mom got interested

"What else did God say?" she asked

"He said go home and ask your mother what is happening in the third floor

"Really?" she asked

"Yes mom and he said, tell Mrs David to say the truth if not the punishment of heaven will fall on her " i said with a scared face.

Really? Come come I will tell you all I know " She said I sat up in interest grinning like a fire dried goat.

"Her name is Anastasia Grande she is the first and most loved daughter of Sir Alexandra Grande the owner and founder of (A. G. H C)

"Ohhhhhhhhh is that so"

"Yes she is in coma because she had an accident. Do you know Ryan?