Part 17

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I knew I ran as fast as I could but when I finally arrived, Sir Ryan had already signed those papers.
What's the point crying over spilt milk? i can't even tell him anymore, What is done is done.
I just looked at him with pain in my eyes
" Sir Ryan, you made a mistake, this division is a trap ", I said.
" I will try my best to revive them all with God's help. So don't worry ", he said.
you don't understand sir. It's more worse than just doing surgery.
" yes sir Ryan, we will revive them together with God on our side. No one can make you sad, i am here, I will surely fight for your interest. I'm really going to be your angel" I said.

Ryan's P. O. V

I am your angel, she said. Now that I think of it it's the same voice, hair, body build up and caring spirit.
Miss Awkward! Could you be fake Nuella? I need to call real Nuella on phone.
Clara I don't know why you look bothered, it's nothing, it's just surgery.

Clara's P. O. V Sir Ryan I don't want you to worry I'm the angel here I am the one to worry.
No point telling you about the health records. All I have to do is to find them for you, all of them.
"pls schedule surgery tomorrow Clara for that woman with the kid, she might not survive this week, tomorrow by 11 am ", he said.
Omg that's too close.
" yes sir, I will do that.
" we have a long day tomorrow let's go so we can rest", he said.
" actually I need to meet a friend, go and I will meet you at home ", I said.
" you have a date? He asked.
I started laughing.
" yes I do with my new friend I just met today at the hospital. ", i replied.
" really? " he asked
" yes, actually today is...
" it's ok, have fun, don't get lost.
" sure sir.
I bowed and he rushed out.
Staying home all day with you would have been fun but I need to find that health records and I need to follow Louisa out, I will see you when I get back. 

Ryan's P. O. V 

People should start believing me I always said that that Miss Awkward/Clumsy has a carefree lifestyle. So annoying!
That book she was reading already proved it.
How can she be going out with someone she just met today?
What if he ends up taking her home and then she doesn't come back?
I opened my car door and closed it back.
Ryan why are you bothered? Aarrgh! She can do whatever she likes, even if she sleeps over I won't Care.
This nurse and I supposed to be in the house, preparing for surgery, so annoying.
I wonder who took her out, she just broke up with Tony, what's her plan?
Ryan Ryan drive drive drive go home. Forget that she-devil.
I concentrated on my driving when Daniella called.
" hello ", i said
" Anna is awake and you can't even call on phone anymore. Really.
" it's not that, I have been busy, I have not even called Anna yet. ", i said.
" so how are you? Are you stressed?
" not yet, real stress starts soon.
" ok, i just wanted to hear your voice ", she said.
" so how's Anna? ", I asked.
" she's fine, seems to be having fun with Tony recently, carrying her up and down like love birds, she said.
I didn't even know when I stopped driving.
" hey! Are you okay ", she asked.
" am fine, let's talk later ", I said.
" oh sure, bye.
She dropped the call.
Anna don't repeat the mistake you made. It makes it hard for me to trust you. You get carried away easily, that's always been your problem.
I hope it's just doctor and patient relationship , I placed a call to Nuella
" hey hottie ".
" Ryan I'm so caught up right now. Can't talk ".
" do you want to hang the call on me?.
" you know I can't do that, tell me
" that fake Nuella, what's her identity? Who is she?
" her name is uhmmmmmmm, I forgot I can't think right now, my assistant will text you her info later, I will call her now.
" oh thanks, that's better.
I dropped the call, I'm glad finally I will know who my secret angel is because I need more of her protection now.
I dropped the call.