Part 18

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Clara's P. O.V

Is this how am going to die ?will protect my angel? What will happen to mom? Sir Ryan I know you can't hear me but pls save me, i can only think but I can't move. I'm getting unconscious. Sir Ryan I am in the fire, i feel hot. Something is on me, and maybe I'm on fire, please. come.

Ryan's P. O. V

Why do I feel so hot and why do I keep thinking about Clara? Wait, Wait could Clara be in that office? No no no I ran out, Omg please God help me, it can't be through I ran into the compound.

Louisa's P. O. V

Sir Ryan ran out of nowhere he tried running into the fire. We called the fire extinguishers but it seems they are busy. The security men caught sir Ryan and held him tight. The MD rushed out.

 " Ryan do you want your Dad to bomb us all, Why running into the fire. ", he shouted

 " are you crazy, someone Is in there!!! ", Ryan shouted. As he pushed the security men away and ran into the fire. He kicked the door open and jumped in omg sir Ryan. That was when the MD called the fire station.

 " where the fuck are you guys ", He said. 

" we are coming, we already told you, we are very busy. ", they said

 "Do you know who is in that fire? Are you crazy!! , Mr Dervantes' only child is in the fire. Are you drunk? You rotten eggs, Do you to want die?

 " we are flying over right away, right away sir. He dropped the call.

Ryan's P. O. V

Oh no Clara was really here, the fire was getting much, even the entrance was covered. How do we leave. I ran to Clara on the floor. It turned out the burning couch fell on her. I lifted it thank God the part that touched her hadn't caught fire yet. I lifted her up the fire kept getting closer but she Is unconscious. 

"Clara, Clara wake up I shouted ", but to no avail. I slipped the health records into the water proof and threw it out of the window. What am I going to do with Clara. I carried her up to my arms, the smoke is getting much, I risked my life and I have a heart condition, I'm getting weak. Just then someone texted me. Who is texting me now? I opened the text 

" Sir Ryan, that fake Nuella is a nurse and her name Is Clara, Clara David. I dropped my phone, no she can't die just like this. I put her on the floor. 

"Hey Clara, wake up already. Do you know how much I have been looking for you? Do you know what you mean to me? Clara you said you are my angel, don't go now., Clara!!!! I hugged her so tight but she was still unconscious. Clara I can't believe you jumped into the fire for me. Why did you jump into the fire for me? I need to carry her out of here, I better get burnt while trying to cross rather than get burnt while waiting. I carried her up and just as I got close to the fire I heard sounds

 "Siir Ryan stay still, don't move, the fire will disappear soon.

 " sir Ryan move away from fire if you are still conscious. I stepped back and just like that the fire disappeared. People rushed in, they helped out, but letting go of this angel is something I don't think I want to do. I carried her out and the nurses took her from me. Just then my heart started paining, i am not suppose to inhale smoke but that girl is really important to me. Finally my life is completed. Fake Nuella is right beside me. I wiped my tears as they pushed her in. She didn't know I searched for her. And now that I found her she can't leave me again. Samantha rushed me with the woman's health record which I took from her.