Part 38

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Five minutes past and no reply the men walked back into the hall.

" so I believe I can continue talking now ?" Tonia asked


" so I have 40 percent of shares and I just need few active shareholders to join their shares with me and move me to the position i should be .the position of CEO of a.g.h.c.." most shareholders started nodding and whispering.

" will the dead rule us? Of course no."her assistant moved the file and 12 active board members transferred their shares to Tonia smiled.the voting list was moved and all of them voted Tonia in after few minutes it was done Malcolm stood up clapping.everybody started clapping.

" and today by the power of true blood and active shares Mrs Tonia Alexandra Grande is now the CEO of a.g.h.c. and owing to this it will no longer be a.g.h.c but t.g.h.c. " the lawyer said. Tonia stood up clapping for herself. Eerybody stood up clapping for Tonia... gosh where is Mr Dervantes?, i rushed to the front and watched Anna's name being removed and Tonia was hastily replacing her...i wiped my tears what will Anna do?

Didi's pov

i am the nurse in charge of Mr Grande and I swear there is no improvement. Just now the video of Anna's replacement previewed and the news of Anna's sickness came out.Anna's dad rose up in shock

" sir

" what's going on

" sir

" what Is this? Hand me my phone.he tried moving and froze. He placed his hands on his heart and fell to the ground. his legs seized


" my legs I can't move them

" sir

"my team came in and started treatment after a while a wheel chair was pulled in. It was confirmed that he is still taking the poison and it crippled him. Total stroke he couldn't even talk but I know i taste all his food. How could he even be taking poison?

Sam's pov

 (hours later)

Rachel rushed in panting

" what's it

"Mr Grande can't walk again.Anna pulled herself up

" what

" your dad is crippled. Anna.he can't even talk or move he has become nothing.Anna wiped her tears what is going on?

" madam most shareholders still want to give you a chance. There will be another meeting in 7 days madam.

" no she won't attend it , Anna is going to London.she too can't move anymore

" what

" she is too weak. She is dyingi looked at Anna and my tears streamed what is going on.just then Ryan rushed in

" Anna what's going on

"sir Ryan it is time for your surgery " a nurse said

" 5mins" Ryan said

"okhe sat facing Anna

" Sam I thought you said it is just stress

"yes it is

" then how did Tonia...

" it's a test Ryan, I wanted to know what Tonia will do if i fall sick.