Part 21

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Clara's p.o.v

I am finished. What will I do? Sir Ryan is not waking up.I did everything I knew how to do when someone enters water but he was not even going to cough.Just then, the lady behind tapped me

." why don't you pass air through his mouth ", she said .

" what! I should kiss sir Ryan?".She laughed .I looked at him ..well i have no choice. Fighting ..this Is my second time ..Anna please don't kill me.I bent down then I kissed him... no I passed air.Finally I stupidly stopped passing air and got carried away.He opened his eyes.I got shocked and moved away.He chuckled cute...his lips are now red owing to my lipstick.He gently wiped it.

" hey , were you really passing air? 

 " yes , i was's what I do for a living.I am really sorry I almost kills you..", i said.He smiled and I lifted him up He stood , his eyes were now really sexy I tried pulling him forward but he dragged me back and hugged me.What?.. he hugged me... did he hug me?...I am short but this is the best hug ever .I won't hug anyone for 10 years.He held me tight. I almost died in his arms.then he whispered .

" thank you for not failing me".I smiled gently and still held him tight.Sir what if I push you into the water again? Will you hug me again after I kiss you ....oh my so sweet.Finally he let me free and we both walked further although I was seriously trying to control my feelings which just spinned out of control.Soon we lodged and changed into dry clothes.I wonder how many hotels we will visit this week.He lay back on the bed with his eyes closed cute I feel like kissing him again.Oh no I said it, my emotions had spinned out of control. I gently placed my hands on my heart ....this is really love ,"oh Clara" .I gently lay by his side ....I heard him say he catches cold easily ...I hope that was a lie too..I also closed my eyes.

Tony's p.o.v

Finally Anna is making progress.She had walked a while before her legs pained again.She might start walking this week.I had rushed to get her water.She sat quietly with her legs on the bed just like a kid. Soon I arrived with the water I gave it to her.A smiled and I sat beside her.

" do you still feel pain?

." no I am better ..

" that's a relief .

" I plan on reinstating Tonia as MD

" did she threaten you?.

" not only for that ..

" it's fine , do what you want.

" so how's dad ?

." I ran tests on him. He's ok. His weakness might be the weather.

" ah ok , that's possible , thanks".She gently slipped herself into my arms and I hugged her tight while touching her hair.Anna you are too young to go through what you you have been through 

...Hours later

  Clara's p.o.v 

Sir Ryan's phone rang again, it's his mother again while he was still sleeping .I ended the call then I snicked out and called her with my own phone It rang twice before she finally picked up.

" hello , Josephina Dervantes here 

" oh hi, I'm Clara, Clara David 

." oh hi! Do I know you?