Part 47

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Clara's pov conts

i took a deep breath as i walked out of a.g.h.c's complex . i headed to R.D hospitals.

I arrived. It's really late. I walked past the guards and ran into Ryan's room. He was still unconscious. He was not awake yet. What should I do? I laid my face on his chest and slept off.


someone tapped me. I opened my eye it was Ryan's mom.

" mom

" let's go home



I nodded and picked my bag. We entered the car and headed off to Mr Dervante's house. Wow isn't this the prettiest thing. I didn't even know when I smiled. We walked out of the car and she hugged me deeply. Just what I needed.

" congrats Anna

" thanks.

I held her tightly as she made me miss my mom. I want to see my mom so badly. Finally I let her go and she took my hand and we walked inside. Mr, Dervantes was taking a glass of wine. He stood up and hugged me tightly

" sugar pie" I smiled and he kissed both sides of my cheek. His wife took my right hand and the husband took my left hand.

" honey I want to take her into her room

"No we need to talk business, let her be

"but she's tired

" are we going to fight over Anna?

" let her be

"honey let her be." I smiled, Anna! This family really loves you, I wonder if they would love me too. I wonder if they would love me as Clara.

Finally Mrs Dervantes won, she dragged me into a room

"That's Ryan's room" I smiled

" relax! Don't come out again.

"yes mum


She rushed out, I saw Ryan's picture and I smiled. My dream husband. I touched the bed and I opened his fridge. I miss you Ryan, I miss you so much. I fell on his bed. it's really late...I have an emergency board meeting tomorrow? I wonder what it is about.

Liam's pov

I checked my time, 9:50. Where is this troublesome girl? Where is Lia? I can't even concentrate. What if she went missing? Just then she called me with my other line

" sir " she shouted

" madam tell me

" well! I can't come home to you today

" what.....why ?

"well, you see there is too much traffic and i don't see well at night when there are too many car lights.

" ok, are you close to home?

" no my house is far but i can trek to my friend's place

" which friend? Raymond again?


" ahhh no never, bad idea.


" I said no, you can't go, in fact you won't go...don't go .... am serious.

"but should I stay on the road

" am coming, stay there and text me the location

" ok quickly am hungry.