Chapter 1

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You would think that after all these years, I would be over Noah Eaton. But just seeing him here, standing in front of me, brings back all of the memories that we share. Our first date, first kiss, first award show, first premiere, saying, "I love you." for the first time, going through transitions in our career and lastly, saying goodbye to each other.

You see, we remained as friends when we ended things, but we couldn't go back to how it was before. There was too much history, and it was too awkward for us that we just stopped communicating. But that changed because of tonight, the two-year cast reunion of Into the Unknown. And that night changed our lives.

"What are you doing here, Noah?" I ask, turning my head away.

"I came because of the reunion," Noah answers as if it's the obvious thing.

"No." I sigh. "I mean, what are you doing here, outside with me?"

"I uh, I wanted to talk with you. See how you are doing and hopefully clear this awkwardness," Noah says, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"Well, what do you want to talk about?"

Noah lifts his shoulders and lets out a breath before asking, "How've you been?"

"Doing well," I say, smiling slightly. "I've stopped acting, for now, to um, find out who I am as a person. I've been thinking about starting a production company."

Noah nods his head. "Have you thought of a name?"

"Westside Voice."

"Why that name?" he asks.

"Cause my home is in the west, and I want to be able to let my voice say what it needs to be said," I say even though that is inaccurate.

The truth is, he is my home as cheesy as that sounds. Even after all these years, Los Angeles was not my home anymore, and neither was Canada. Being around Noah is like being at home. He is my home, no matter where I go.

"How about you? Are you acting, have a movie coming out?"

"Yeah, actually," Noah says, leaning against the railing. "I am flying out to Vancouver after tonight to finish filing my movie that's coming out in about two months."

"That's awesome," I say, congratulating him. "Oh, um. How's your family?"

He hesitates before answering. "They're all right. Um, I haven't spoken to them for a while, but they're okay. How about your family?"

"They're doing well. Dad has a big case coming up, Mom has to re-do an eye surgery because the patient sees double vision regularly, and Danielle has a year left than she's graduating." Noah lets out a low whistle. "Busy," he says, laughing. I laugh along with him before things go silent.
"Do you still have your bike?" I ask. He nods his head.

"Yeah, I keep it in L.A," Noah replies. "I don't ride very often due to working all the time and well, it just feels wrong to ride it around the city."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, I bought the bike when you and I were dating. I took you on it and we would drive around the city, often stopping on the Hollywood sign," Noah explains.

"Oh," I said. "Those were good times."

"They were," agrees Noah. We fall into silence.

"Hey, your accent is fading," I point out.

Noah's British accent is disappearing and mixed with American. Mine is turning into American, but I still have my Canadian accent. "Yeah," Noah says, chuckling. He raises his eyebrow slightly and shrugs. "I guess that's a downside of living in the States and working in American films."

"Shame," I say. "I loved your accent."

"You did?" he asks in disbelief.

"Of course." I scoff. "Who wouldn't be swoon by Noah Eaton's British accent?" I tease. He lets out a good belly laugh. "But in all seriousness, I do miss it. It was one of the reasons why I loved you so much."

Noah moves uncomfortably at my last sentence. Again, we drop into silence.

"Well, I better—"

"I love you."

I look at Noah, who is now flustered. "Um, I better head inside. See what's happening," I say, quickly as Noah nods his head. I grab my phone and leave Noah. I look back to see Noah mumble something like, "Stupid. You are a fool, Noah Eaton."

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