Chapter 5

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While everyone waits for the pizza to arrive, Noah pulls me over to the side. "I need to talk to you," he says as he takes my hand and leads me outside.

"What's going on?" I ask as we stand right where we were two years ago. When Noah doesn't say anything, I panic. "Wait. You're not breaking up with me again, are you?"

"What?" asks Noah. "God no, Millie. We've been through too much for me and you to end things."

"Then what do you want to talk about?"

"Where do you see your self in two years?" Noah asks. "I mean, do you see a future with me in it?"

"Noah," I say softly. "I do see a future with you. I knew that we were going to be together for a long time from the very beginning. I want to raise my kids with you, grown old together, laugh and reminisce about the olden days. Telling our kids and grandkids on how we met, fell in love. Tell them about our story."

"What does that mean?" Noah asks playfully.

I punch him lightly on the arm and shake my head. "It means, Eaton, that yes, I do see a future with you."

"What is your dream ring?" he asks, leaning against the railing.

"I have too many to remember. But every single design always ends with an infinity sign and a diamond," I say. He lets out a chuckle. "You've thought about this for a while, have you?"

I shake my head. "No," I say. "I've had my wedding planned when I was in middle school. It was a phase I was going through in life."

Noah nods his head as he pulls out his phone and types away. Then he stores his phone back into his pocket. "I'm moving back to Los Angles soon," he says.

"How soon?"

"When we end Into the Unknown," he says.

"But, that is not for a while," I say.

"I know. That'll give me time to look for a place and put the downpayment."

"Hey guys," Caleb says, as he sticks his head outside. "Pizza's here." I look at Noah, who is holding out his hand. I take it and follow him back inside. I grab a plate, chose two slices of pepperoni pizza, and grab a glass of water before sitting down on the couch with everyone. "Hey guys, smile," Caleb says, as he holds out his phone. I smile for the camera. Caleb sends the picture to us, and I post the photo on Instagram. We all do the same, and I write; Guess who's back?! After lunch, I check my phone to see 9k people have liked the photo and commented.

"Okay, so I have spoken to the other producers and Netflix, and they said that we are allowed to start filming by the end of the week," Dylan says as we finish eating.

"Where are we filming?" I ask.

"Los Angeles for most of it, then Chicago for the last episode," he says.

"Do we need to buy apartments if we don't have any?" Hunter asks.

"Do you guys want to live together in one big penthouse or live on set?" Dylan asks.

"Would we have our separate trailers?" Caleb asks.

"Yes. Due to protocol."

We all look at each other and agree mutually on what we want.

"We would like to live together in a penthouse," Maddie says.

Dylan nods his head and leaves us to figure out our moving plans.

"How are we going to split up the rooms?" I ask.

"Well, obviously you and Noah in one, I get one to myself, Caleb and Bella—if she wants to live with us—in one and Hunter gets one," Maddie says.

"I need a space for my music," Hunter interjects.

"We need space for our offices and a quiet place so we can practise our lines," Caleb says.

"Oh, Maddie!" I say. "We should have a girls' room! Like a room where we need to get away from the guys!"

"Yes!" yells Maddie.

"Well, if you and Maddie are doing that, then Caleb, Hunter and I are having on too," Noah says, laughing.


"Wait, guys," Maddie says. "We won't have enough room. Why don't we just buy a house?"

"Sure," I say. "What house?"

"My uncle has a house in Calabasas, California," Caleb says. "I can call him and ask if we can buy it for the next year."

"Wait, isn't that where they shot a few scenes from A Star is Born?" asks Maddie.

"Yeah, they did. The producers asked my uncle if they could rent it out for the movie," Caleb says.

"That's awesome," I say.

"So, should I call him?" Caleb asks, reaching for his phone. We all nod our heads, and he left the room. A few minutes later, he comes back with a smile on his face.

"I got it," he announces. We all cheer until Dylan comes in, asking why we were cheering. We explained that we found a house in Calabasas, California, to rent out. Then we asked if we could use the forests as part of filming locations, and Dylan agreed.

"Okay, so we're going to be filming on September 9th. Should I announce it, or do you guys want to?" asks Dylan.

"How about we do it?" I suggest. I pull out my phone and set it up so you can see all five of us. I hit record and look at every one.

"Hey, guys," I say. "You may be wondering why we are all sitting here together. "

"We have some news to tell you," Maddie says. Off-camera, I count down from three using my fingers.

"Into the Unknown is back for another season!" We all yell at the same time.

"We just spent the day discussing the season, coming up with the plot, and I promise you guys, you will not be disappointed," Noah says.

"Yeah," Caleb agrees. "However, it was Millie who primarily wrote the entire season."

"I did not!" I protest. "We did it as a team."

"Whatever you say," Noah says, chuckling before pecking my cheek.

"Anyways, that's all we wanted to say. Keep a lookout for more posts and news about the upcoming season!" Hunter shouts as I press the end.

I send it to Dylan, who posts it on our show's Instagram account. He tags us in the video, and soon enough, fifteen million fans have reposted, liked, and commented on the post. Soon we all get notifications about our show. Shortly after, news media have reported the return of Into the Unknown, fans are tagging us on their Instagram stories, and we glance at each other and know.

We know that once we step foot outside, whether we are in the U.K., Los Angles, Toronto or even New York, we're going to be swarmed by paparazzi and fans. We are going to be thrown back into fame and the spotlight. We are going to have the media watching us, our status is going to rise, and we'll be famous again. We'll be known as one of Netflix hit original shows again, we'll have to do interviews, attend award shows. We'll be nominated for awards, and have to promote the show. But, then again, we are a family. We'll get through this together. We did it once, and who said we can't do it twice? As long as we have each other, we'll survive this. 

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