Chapter 11

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"How are you feeling?" I ask as I enter the hospital quarters. Allie turns her head and smiles once she sees me. "There's the newlywed," Allie says, giggling softly. I grin as I walk up to her. It has been a month since I got married to Noah. We vacationed in Hawaii for two weeks for our honeymoon. We didn't stay long because production halted for our wedding and honeymoon, which was a generous gift Dylan gave us.

Once the word got around that Noah married me, the world—mostly paparazzi—were trying to see the newlywed couple. Once we landed in L.A, we stayed inside for two days to cool things down. Then, we were back at work, filming the last couple of episodes of the final season. We only have one more episode to film then, just like that, Into the Unknown will be over.

Dylan gave us a week break due to technical issues. Noah flew to the U.K to spend time with his family, Maddie is in New York for an interview and visiting her fiancé and Hunter is in L.A recording the songs for his new album he is going to be releasing soon. Caleb is spending time with Bella in Miami, who has a case there, and I am in Toronto, visiting Allie. I have a meeting with the Hodson Brothers for the movie. We came up with the story, and we have the actors cast. We're planning on releasing the motion picture in 2022.

"I have some bruising due to a drop in the number of platelets in my blood, and sometimes I get nosebleeds two times a day," Allie says, ticking off the points on her fingers. "I avoid fatty or fried foods, eating small meals and snacks, drinking plenty of water, and relax and that all helps. I obviously feel sick. I feel tired and weak and I don't have hair anymore."

"I'm sorry, Al," I say as I sit beside her. "I wish that you didn't have this."

"Me too, Mills. Believe it or not, I miss my work," Allie says, holding out her hand.

I grab it and hold it. "How's work?" Allie asks. I sigh and run my fingers through my hair. "Tiring. We have one more episode to do, then interviews and then the premiere. Then, I'm moving here to film the movie," I say.

"Have you cast a new actress to take my spot?" Allie asks, looking over at me.


"You should, just in case."

"You are not going to die," I say sharply. Allie looks at me as if to say I am. You and I both know it. We sit in silence, hearing the door open and close and doctors talk. "I'm sorry for snapping," I say after a while. "I-I don't want to lose you. I can't lose you, Allie. You've been there for me when I needed you the most. I want to do the same for you."

"You are," Allie insists. "You being here is enough for me. I know that you are busy, so when you come here to visit means a lot to me."

I take Allie's hand and hold it. "Have you had a C.T scan yet?" I ask. She shakes her head. "I had one yesterday, and there's more," Allie says. "So, Dr. Robbins is going to do surgery tomorrow to remove what he can."

"Well, just know that I will be praying for you while I am running for my life tomorrow," I say, chuckling a little. Allie giggles and says, "I will keep that in mind." I look over at the clock and sigh. "I have to go. I have a meeting about the movie," I say, standing up and grabbing my purse. "Okay. You're leaving later today?" Allie says, leaning into the pillows. I nod my head sadly. "Don't worry. I'll call every day to check up on you."

"Okay, Mom," Allie says jokingly. I playfully roll my eyes and give her a tight hug before leaving the room.

I look back in through the window to see Allie go to sleep. Please, God. Don't let her die. She has her whole life to live ahead of her. I think as I walk past the nurse's station. "Do you want me to call you if anything changes?" I hear someone ask. I turn around to see a tall and handsome doctor looking at me. He puts aside a binder and crosses his arms."Yes, I will like that," I say as I open my purse to find a pen. I see a pen in front of me and see him holding it out.

I take it, and he hands me a small notepad. I write down my house phone number and pass it back. I don't trust him fully with my actual number. He smiles kindly as he stores it in his pocket. "You're Millie Greyson, right?" he asks, pointing at me. "Yeah, that's me," I say, sighing. I brace for him to shout out to everyone and to sign autographs for fans. "Do you want an autograph?"

He lets out a laugh. "No, I know that you don't like kind of stuff. Especially now considering Ms. McPhee's condition," he says sincerely.

"You know, Allie?" I ask.

"Oh!" he exclaims. He shakes his head and holds out his hand. "Sorry. I'm Dr. Alan Robbins. I'm her doctor."

"Oh!" I say. I shake his hand and smile at him. "Thank you for taking care of her."

"It's my job," Alan says, smiling. "Between you and me, if Allie keeps up with her treatments, I believe that she can make a full recovery."

"Seriously?" I asked, gaping at him. He nods his head. "The chemo and radiation are killing the tumours slowly, but it's working. And I'm doing surgery on her tomorrow, so I am hoping to remove the last few tumours that the C.T scan picked up."

"That's great," I sat.

I feel my phone vibrate, and I pull it out of my pocket. "Shit," I mutter.

"Do you have to go?" he asks. I nod my head. "I have a meeting that started a couple of minutes ago," I say, storing my phone back into my pocket.

"I understand," he says, nodding his head. "Go. I'll call if there's any news."

"Thank you."

I dash out of the hospital and hail a taxi. Within five minutes, I am inside a restaurant that has a private section. I meet up with Mark and Adam, apologising for keeping them waiting. Once I get settled, we talk about the details and final touches of the movie.

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