Chapter 2

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I avoid Noah for the rest of the night until he catches me as I head outside to my car.

"Millie, wait," Noah calls out, jogging behind me. I toss my purse to the passenger seas and close the door. I turn around to face Noah, who is looking at me. He opens his mouth but closes it again. "What, Noah?" I question, impatient. I have a flight to catch to Toronto, and I know that Noah has one too. I have a two-week break before I have to start filming my next movie.

Sam, my manager, has me booked for interviews with Timmy Falco as we have gotten closer over the years, Ellen, and E! News for the next month. She makes sure that I can fly to Toronto in between breaks to see my family and Allie before having flown down to either Ohio or Los Angeles.

"I'm sorry," Noah honestly says.

"What for?" I ask, crossing my arms.

"Everything," Noah says, sighing. "For breaking up with you, for not trying--"

"Noah," I interrupt.

"No, Millie," Noah says. "Let me say what I have to say before I leave tonight and may never get to."

I nod my head and close my mouth. Noah sighs deeply. 

"You don't know how many nights I would lay awake, feeling ashamed of myself. I kept thinking, "What if I hadn't broken up with her? What if we had tried long-distance?" Every night for the past two years, I had thought that, and the truth is, I don't have a straight answer. Every day I thought of you, and we've been through not as Nillie, the IT couple but as friends. We made a successful tv show, you and I became best friends, we handled and went through fame together, we created some unforgettable memories—the good and the bad—and most of all, we had each other. And we did it as friends."

I nod my head, although I don't understand what Noah is trying to say. "But then I thought about how we took a chance and started dating, you and I fell in love, we made each other extremely happy, we loved each other. I don't know about you, Mills, but those two years that we had were the best years of my life. And that's because I had you by my side every day. You may be over me, but I sure as hell am not. You're the only girl I can think about, and it's driving me insane. I love you, Millie Greyson. I've never stopped loving you, and I don't think I can stop."

"Noah," I say, sighing, dropping my arms.

"You don't have to say anything, Mills. I just wanted you to know." With that said, he turns around and walks away. "Noah, wait," I call out. He turns around and looks at me with hope in his eyes. I walk towards him. I cup his face and stare into his emerald green eyes. Sometimes, I get lost in the green of his eyes that I feel like I am running in an infinite field.

"Right here at this moment, it feels as though time never passed. As if the last two years never happened. As if we were still Millie Greyson and Noah Eaton, twenty-three and twenty-four-year-olds who were young and in love," I say, quietly. "We were kids who were trying to make a name for themselves, trying to keep their jobs, trying to make it big in the industry. We supported each other, laughed together, cried together, fought over the littlest things. We loved each other and made each other happy."

He smiles at whatever memory is in his head.

"Two years later, we are successful actors who have reunited. I am not over you, Noah. I have tried to move on, tried to date again but failing to do so. The men that I went out with are not you, Noah," I say. I lean my forehead against his and take in his familiar scent.

"Millie," Noah says softly. I shake my head. "Let me finish, please."

He nods his head. "Noah, you are my other half. You're the one for me, always will be, no matter what. You will always be my first love, and I want you to be my last. I knew that we were going to be together for a long time from the very beginning. I want to raise my kids with you, grown old together, laugh and reminisce about the olden days. Telling our kids and grandkids on how we met, fell in love. Tell them about our story.

I want to be able to look back on my memories and smile known that every single one of them is filled with happiness and with you by my side. I want to be able to look into your eyes and fall in love with you all over again. I want to be able to tell you, Noah, how much I love you and that I will never stop loving you."

"So, what do we do now?" Noah asks, after a while.

He looks away from me.

"Let's start over. We don't know each other like we used to, we've changed too much. Let's start as friends again," I say as Noah nods his head in agreement.

"I have a flight I need to catch," he says as he checks his watch, the one I gave him many years ago.

"So do I."

Noah turns to walk away as I do the same but turn around at the sound of my name called. "Yes?" I ask.

"Do you still have the same number?" Noah shouts as his car is further away from mine.

"I do," I call back. "Do you?" He nods his head and smiles at me before stepping into his car. His car comes to life, and as he passes me, he gives me a wave. I stare as his vehicle turns to the right and out of sight, leaving me thinking, "Have I made the right choice?" 

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