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Author's POV

The wolves got ready. All of the wolves, going with, turned into their wolf form. And Y/n climbed into Minseok's back. And lead them all. Halfway there Kyungsoo and the pup's stopped. They were the back up incase any of them got injured.

When Suho, Lay, Minseok and Y/n got there they stopped infront of the house and Y/n climbed off of Minseok. Chanyeol including the other wolves turned into humans.

"Nice to see you again, Y/n." Kris greeted speeding towards them. "You as well Junmyun."

Everyone turned their gaze to Suho and Kris.

"Y-you two know each other?" Lay asked.

"Do we Junmyun? I still remember when you dumped me. I thought you said that if you marked me you'll always be with me. But that was a lie." Kris then took his scarf off and everyone saw the mate mark.

'No wonder Kris always wore a scarf.. or something to cover his neck.' Y/n thought.

"Look Yifan I told you that reason why I had to..."

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!! It's Kris now." He said with frustration and anger in his voice.

"Kris, I'm sorry..." Suho said hurt.

"What did you always tell me? Sorry doesn't.. Water plants..."

"Listen. I've been trying to find you for all this time now. But I knew that you were close by that's why I raised a pack here. Closer to you and I tried to teach them better than what my parents tought me. That vampires aren't our enemies."

"How come you didn't come to me when you knew I was close?" By now tears were streaming from Suho's eyes and Kris's tears were about to fall.

"I was a coward. I was scared of what you and others might think." Kris then pulled Suho into a hug and Suho cried in Kris' chest.

"Man you'd think there'd be a fight, by the way Kris was going on." Luhan giggled while stretching his arms.

"Have you been feeding Yeolie well?" Suho asked whipping his tears.

"Yes. And you with Y/n?" Kris answered acting like a bad boy. When he's actually a softy.

"Yes... About that.. Uhh... Y/n mated with one of our Beatas. His name is Kim Minseok. I'm wondering what we should do?" There eyes turned to the said couple. Y/n grabbed Minseok's hand and smiled. Kris walked to them and stared at Minseok up and down.

"You're Minseok?" Minseok nodded. Kris scoffed and sighed. "At least he's better than Baekhyun. But... Another situation. Chanyeol! Baekhyun! Don't you guys dare fucking lie to us. Because I can see that mark on Baek's neck. It looks fresh. When did that happen?"

"This morning." Chanyeol said in a deep voice.

"That was pretty fast. Usually when I do something wrong I avoid the question with my own question and change the subject with another question." Chen said drinking a bottle of blood.

"Well nobody is like you Chen!" Sehun said out of nowhere.

"Uh... Suho you did make a plan to sort out what would happen if Chanyeol mated with someone, right?" Lay asked.

"Uhh... D.O always comes up with better solutions than I do." Suho then turned to his wolf form and howled for D.O to come and not to attack. They all saw a big wolf and other smaller wolves, that are not that small, run towards them.

"PUP'S!!" Chanyeol shouted running towards them they turned to their human form and ran towards him.


D.O then turned to Suho and asked him what he needed.

"I didn't think of a plan of what would happen if Chanyeol fell in love with a vampire." Suho whispered to D.O.

"Well it's actually up to you. But I think it's better if the vampires and werewolves live in peace and we don't let differences come between our love for each other." D.O explained.

"That's a very wise wolf you have there Junmyun." Kris said. "I think I agree with him."

"Is Junmyun your real name? You told me that only your family and mate knew your name!" D.O said with eyes wider than ever. Suho held Kris' hand with red cheeks.

"He is my mate." Suho said. He then turned to everyone. "D.O suggested that we live together."

"Yes! We will go with the idea that came from this short male that looks a lot like a penguin but is actually a wolf!" Kris said trying his best to describe D.O as best as he could.

In Love With A Wolf! 🐺 (Xiumin X Reader Smut)Where stories live. Discover now