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Adrien: "n-no. I MEAN YES. but as a friend..."

Adrien looked down facing the floor knowing that Luka saw through his lie. He could feel blood rush to his face and what felt like butterflies swarm his stomach.

Luka: "okay Adrien, you can be honest with me you know."

Adrien lifted his head and looked at Luka with seriousness written all over his face. "I don't like Marinette in that way Luka, I'm just happy for her that she found you. You're a great guy and she deserves you. You deserve her.

Luka: "okay Agreste. Just know that you broke her heart when she liked you. Seeing you with Kagami broke her and when you told her you loved someone else you broke her-"

Adrien: "I know... I know I broke her. I feel bad for it. As soon as Chloe said that Marinette liked me, i felt regret, guilt and heartbroken for her. She liked me all that time and I didn't even notice."

Luka put his hand on Adrien's shoulder and gave Adrien a gentle smile.

Luka: "it's okay Adrien. Don't feel bad, it's only natural that you fall for someone."

Adrien: "y-you're not mad?"

Luka: "I'm fine with it. Just, not to sound rude but, don't try any moves on my girlfriend please."

Adrien: "o-okay."

Luka: "good, then we're done here. Let's head back to the party."

Marinette pov:

What did I just hear? A-Adrien... likes me. I could feel my eyes widen at the news I just heard. I never thought that would happen to me?! I didn't know he felt so bad about not being able to see the huge crush I had on him.

I was brought out of my thought by the sound of footsteps approaching the door. I didn't know what to do?! There wasn't enough time to run downstairs with HEELS on! But then it struck me. I had the perfect plan.

End of Marinette's pov:

Marinette suddenly had a smirk on her face as she walked down the hall and started to walk back to where she came from when she saw the door start to creek open.

Adrien was first to walk out with what looked like a mixed expression on his face. He noticed the beautiful raven haired girl in the corner of his eye and his face lit up to see her.

Adrien: "Hey Marinette! You look lost? Are you okay?"

Luka walked behind Adrien and saw Marinette. He quickly overtook Adrien and wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her closer to him.

Luka: "what's up Mari?"

Marinette: "hey guys! I was uhh just looking for you! I was wondering where you two went off to."

Adrien: "oh yeah we needed to have a guy talk. Right Luka?"

Luka: "uh huh. Why don't we go have another dance Mari?"

Marinette: "actually I'm kind of thirsty, I'll meet you there. I'm going to grab a drink."

Luka: "okay, I'll see you down there."

Luka slowly let go of Marinette and walked towards the steps. Adrien stood behind alone with Marinette. Luka walked off forgetting Adrien was there.

Adrien and Marinette both looked at each other and stayed silent.

Adrien pov:

Was this his plan?! Did he want me and Marinette alone to talk about what Chloe said.... no, why would he. He loves Marinette and she loves him.

Marinette: "Adrien...."

Oh no she looks serious. Get yourself together Agreste. I could feel the butterflies swivel in my stomach.

Marinette: "I... I kind of lied... sorry."

Adrien: "w-what do you mean?"

Marinette: "Adrien... I he-"

???: "ADRIEN!" Adrien and Marinette's eyes suddenly locked onto someone in the distance. It was Nino.

Nino: "dudes! Come on! Everyone's wondering where you are! Wait a minute... what's going on here."

End of Adrien POV:

Adrien and Marinette both look at each other and look back to Nino before speaking in complete sync.


Nino couldn't help but laugh and even let out a small tear when he saw their faces to tomato red. "I was just teasing. Come on let's go."

The two let out a long sigh and followed Nino downstairs. Marionette couldn't help but think why was Luka acting so different with Adrien. Luka seemed a bit more aggressive and protective but the complete opposite when he's around her.


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