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Where am I? What happened to me? Why can't I see anything? Wait- I can't move, my hands must be tied up... And my mouth has something on it. What's going on?!

Ladybug sat there quietly as she started to remember what happened. She felt warmth touch her head as what felt like a bag was ripped off the top of her head leaving her hair frizzy but that didn't matter. What mattered was the sight in front of her. Her eyes widened as tears already started to flow down her cheeks. She tried to scream out his name, shaking her body trying to break free. It was numb but that wouldn't stop her from saving him.

She closed her eyes as tears continued to flow down her face. She couldn't do anything while tied up. She heard footsteps approach her once again ripping the tape off her mouth. It stung, a lot but she didn't care. He was in more trouble than her.

Ladybug: "WHY YOU-!"

Her eyes widened so much that her pupils shrank in shock and skin went as pale as paper.


Chat Noir was tied to a wall, chains were wrapped around his ankles and wrists and lead to the wall. He seemed to have the same injuries as her. A whack to the head and bruises.

HawkMoth: "and where's the fun in that, when I can reveal your secrets to the whole world?"

Ladybug: "you make me sick!"

HawkMoth knelt down to her level and gripped on the girl's chin making her look up at his evil eyes. "Secrets. Secrets are always kept in this world! People deserve to know the pathetic people that are behind these masks. No matter who you are."

Ladybug broke free from his grip on his chin and looked down to the floor trying to avoid looking at him. Her blood was boiling. No, raging with anger. "Says you, I wonder who you told about your little supervillain playing."

HawkMoth: "I actually have a purpose. You so called heroes are just here to stop what should happen. My family deserves to be happy again."

Ladybug: "there is always a price to pay when unifying the two miraculous! Why won't you learn that!"

HawkMoth: "shut up you brat! Tormentor, you can have some fun. Then get me the miraculous."

A dark figure suddenly appeared behind Ladybug startling her as she slowly turned around. The figure was tall, her hair was pitch black along with her crimson red eyes. She lifted Ladybug up by her chin as Ladybug struggled to break free from the akuma's grip. HawkMoth walked out leaving the two heroins alone with the akuma.

It was only Ladybug. Chat was still unconscious, she couldn't lose him. She lifted one of her thin legs and wrapped it around the leg of the akuma and caused Tormentor to stumble over releasing her tight grip on Ladybug. Ladybug fell to the floor. She put all of her strength into her hands stopping the tape around her wrists off. She stood up and started spinning her yo-yo creating the bright glow it always have when getting ready to fight. She wasn't going to give up now.

The same question continued to linger in her head as she fought the akuma. Why didn't he just take our miraculous. It would have been so much easier for him.

The constant thought in her head kept making her lose focus and Tormentor took this to her advantage. She used her small stick zapping Ladybug in her stomach.

It felt like lightning was crawling all over her body, like she was under some spell. Her eyes suddenly shut closed, she had no control over them. All she was was darkness, until she saw herself and Adrien in the distance kneeling onto their knees. HawkMoth has hold of their miraculous'. She could see the battered skin of theirs and the waterfalls of tears that drawled down their faces. Was this going to happen? Is Tormentor's power to show you the future? Ladybug knelt down onto her knees and held her face in her hands. Voices were ringing in her head over and over. But one stood out more..


Chat Noir broke out of the chains and saw Ladybug sitting with her eyes surrounded by darkness. The akuma stood facing Chat Noir and began to charge at him. Chat Noir managed to floor the akuma holding onto their arms. He grabbed the chains used around him and wrapped up her arms. The akuma sat spitting out horrible words to the two heroines. He picked up the stick laying on the floor and snapped it in half. The akuma flew out of the stick and brought Ladybug back to reality.

Her eyes opened exposing her to the sunlight coming through the huge window. She looked up to see Chat Noir I front of her holding out his big hand. Tears were still streaming down her face as she placed her hand on his. He lifted the girl up and she captured the akuma before calling out her miraculous ladybugs which fixed all of the mess.

They were both healed and they smashed the window escaping before HawkMoth came back into the room. They both jumped buildings back to Marinette's house where they detransformed and sat on her bed awkwardly.

Marinette: "how did you get there?"

Adrien: "I was fighting the Akuma and suddenly a bag was put over my face. I could barely breathe and was knocked out. I was taken there and when I woke up, I saw you on the floor in tears. It angered me and I broke free from the chains."

Marinette: "I'm just glad you're okay."

Adrien: "same here to you. But, we have to talk. I need to talk to you about the other day and apologise."

Marinette: "Adrien..."

Adrien: "you two broke up. Didn't you?"

Marinette: "y-yeah... it's not your fault. Luka knee I still had feelings for you. Also, he's leaving tomorrow. We both agreed that a long distance relationship wouldn't work."

Adrien: "I'm sorry Mari." Adrien held his head down letting his soft blonde hair hang over his face covering his eyes. A gentle smile crept onto Marinette's face as she placed her hand on Adrien's cheek lifting his head up to meet with her bluebell eyes.

Marinette: "it wasn't your fault Adrien. We've actually been talking about the fact that he was leaving for a few months anyway, we knew this was going to happen."

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