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The extreme noises outside made the ground shake and caused people to fall over and some even got injured. Marinette sucked down and felt arms wrap around her head shielding her. Once the shaking calmed down, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath recollecting herself from the shaking.

She could feel heavy breathing brush against her ear. She turned to see Adrien covered in bruises and breathing heavily. She turned and grabbed his cheeks and inspected him.

Marinette: "you're hurt... you shouldn't have protected me."

Adrien lifted his head back up with a smile on his face.

Adrien: "I'll do anything to protect my friends. I'm fine anyway, it's only a few bruises."

Marinette and Adrien giggled before she grabbed him by the arm lifting him up. He could feel the warmth of her hand wrap round his arm. They both got up and they both walked over to the elevator.

She pressed the button for the third floor and they waited for the elevator to reach that floor.

Adrien: "thanks a lot Mari, but I can walk."

Marinette: "shut up Adrien."

Adrien looked at Marinette in shock and saw tears streaming down her face. He reached for her cheek closest to him and gently wiped the tears away before standing up straight forcing her to let go of him.

Adrien: "what's with the water works?" He looked at her with a concerned look in his eyes.

Marinette looked confused before running her cheek to find tears flowing. She quickly wiped away her tears and tried to act like nothing was there.

Marinette: "I'm sick of seeing you be hurt Adrien. You're put in danger so often.... I don't like seeing my friends get hurt."

Adrien: "Mari...."

The door of the elevator opened signaling for the two to keep on walking. Marinette lead Adrien to a room which she closed the door behind them.

Marinette: "you hide in here. I uh, I'll hide in another room!"

Adrien: "okay." Adrien slowly let go of his grip on Marinette's wrist and watched her as she walked out the room. "Plagg, claws out."

Adrien transformed and jumped out the window going to the front of the hotel. He spotted an akuma and immediately jumped into action.

*with Marinette*

Marinette rushed into another room and sunk to the floor bringing her knees up to her head and put her head on them.

Tikki: "Marinette... are you okay?"

Marinette: "sorry Tikki. I'm fine, let's talk later right now we have to-"
The door burst open and made her fly to the other side of the wall being smashed against the wall with the door on her back. She fell to the floor and her vision was blurred by the purple smoke surrounding her. She could barely keep her eyes open but one thing she could see clearly was green cat eyes.


He lifted the door off of her as quickly as he could. However, he forgot the akuma was still there.

Truth Magician: "thanks for the help you stupid alley cat."

Chat held Marinette in his arms and Truth Magician shot at Marinette which was too quick for Chat to react.

Truth Magician: "I have better things to do than fight an alley cat."

Truth Magicain jumped out of the open window and disappeared into the evening sky. Chat turned back to Marinette and inspected her to see what he had done to her. He gently put his fingers against her cheeks and they felt cold.

Chat: "she's out cold... let's get you to a hospital."

He gently picked her up and carried her out the room before rushing down the stairs. He saw everyone on the floor covered in bruises. Just like his injuries, he gently put Marinette on a chair making sure she was comfy before helping everyone else out of the rubble covering them.

Chat: "is that everyone. Someone call an ambulance please while I look for others. Oh and who's friends with Marinette."

Alya: "I'm her best friend I'll look after her. How do you know her?"

Chat: "I-uh saved her a few times and she's helped me out with a few akumas within the last few years. I trust you to look after everyone here until the ambulances get here okay?"

Alya: "of course!"

Chat looked over at Luka who was sitting with Marinette holding her hand. He walked over and tapped on his shoulder.
"I guess you're her boyfriend?"

Luka nodded and looked back at Marinette.

"Look after her for me okay? Chat said to Luka with a serious look on his face.

Chat nodded and turned around about to walk off. He felt someone grab his wrist and he suddenly turned to see Marinette awake. He rushed back around and looked at her worryingly.

Marinette: "hey Chat. I've never told you this, but I've always had feelings for you. Ever since you started to visit me more often."

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