Let the fight begin

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Mayura faced the camera back to the fight between Ladybug and HawkMoth. Adrien, who was on the other side of the screen, didn't hesitate to transform allowing a green light surround his body covering himself in shiny black leather. He leapt building to building with his anger and frustration building more and more.

Once Chat Noir reached the scene, he saw HawkMoth lying on the floor with Ladybug's yo-yo wrapped around his body. His face lit up in relief, he was scared for her. He ran straight to Ladybug and attempted to wrap his long arms around her thin waist wanting to embrace her warmth. Only to find himself falling straight through her. He collapsed to the floor and turned his head quickly to see that Ladybug and HawkMoth had turned into an orange smoke.

Chat: "Volpina... WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU AND WHERE'S LADYBUG!" Chat Noir arose from the floor quickly regaining his posture with his baton in his hand ready for battle. Once again, the anger was boiling in his gains waiting to explode.

Volpina: "aww, little cat can't find his love bug?" The evil laugh that spread through the air hit Chat in his heart. He tightened his wrist gritting his teeth together before turning to face Volpina. "Come at me, Kitty."
They both charged at each other with light speed. Chat was able to counter her attacks when they weren't her illusions; he was sick and tired of these illusions.

*meawhile, on the other side of the Eiffel Tower*

Ladybug and HawkMoth were battling it out both coming out with bruises, nothing too damaging. But neither of them seemed to care about injuries. They fought hard. Throwing punches at each other constantly. It got to a point where they both stopped and stood in a defence stance breathing rapidly trying to catch their breaths that escaped their mouths constantly. Both of their eyes trailed off into the distance where a black figure flew over and landed on top of Ladybug flattening them both.

Chat Noir quickly got up and cupped Ladybug's cheeks hoping she was real. A smile lit up his face as tears formed in his emerald eyes. "Thank you! Not another illusion!"

Ladybug: "Chat! Come on, we have to concentrate." She wrapped her arm around his chest pulling him with her and they both rolled over leaving Chat leaning on top of her once again. He looked down at her with a smirk on his face. "Come on Kitty, let's not do this now. We have HawkMoth and Mayura!"

Chat: "add Volpina to that too, I was just fighting her and she flew me over here." Chat Noir climbed off Ladybug and they both quickly stood ready to fight. This was going to be difficult. "Mayura is busy recording, she won't be willing to fight yet. Let's take care of these two, then take her down."

Ladybug and Chat Noir nodded at each other with smiles creeping onto their faces. They both charged at HawkMoth leaving dust in their trails. HawkMoth stood with his cane held tightly ready to attack. His eyes stayed glued onto their movements as they constantly threw attacks at HawkMoth. Volpina assisted him in protecting Mayura and the camera, sure they would get the scoop that would bring the end of Ladybug and Chat Noir.

The fight continued and attacks were being thrown back and forth. To be honest, they were equal in strength, Chat Noir and Ladybug improved a lot in the past couple of years. They trained and trained for this day to bring down HawkMoth and his control over innocent people, treating them like puppets.

Ladybug and Chat Noir suddenly got shot by Volpina while trying to attack HawkMoth sending them flying back into a beam of metal. Their backs screamed in pain as they collided with the metal. Their eyes were shut closed, once Chat Noir opened his again in a few seconds, Volpina bolted to his side with a deadly smirk on her face and wrapped tight rope around his chest also holding his arms behind his back. He could feel the tightness grip around his chest. He couldn't cataclysm it, he already used it once while fighting. His ring bleeped alerting them all that he was running out of time. Sweat began to run down his face as butterflies filled his stomach more than ever before.

He looked over to Ladybug who was knocked out of the floor. Her bangs hovered over her closed eyes with bruises covering her whole body. HawkMoth began to walk over and Chat tried to stand up wanting to let out his anger on him. He was going to take her miraculous. HawkMoth looked over at the struggling blonde cat and let out a chuckle before kneeling down next to Ladybug. He turned his head towards the camera and began to spike while lifting up Ladybug's head.

HawkMoth: "surely you all want to know who is under these masks? How do you know you can trust them when you don't even know them?! Let me show you the worthless person under this mask!"

Chat screamed out in pain watching as he started to remove her miraculous. Chat's voice was cracking and full of anger and sadness. Tears followed down his face as he watched. He couldn't do anything to protect her. "LEAVE HER ALONE!" Chat screamed out to the tall figure that stood in his way.

HawkMoth: "Volpina, keep him quiet." HawkMoth spoke with full seriousness to the fox before removing the other earring.

The red and black costume that surrounded Marinette's body slowly disappeared revealing the civilian form of Ladybug. Marinette.

Chat: "NOOOO!" He cried out to Marinette who was still unconscious. Her identity had just been revealed to the whole of Paris. He lowered his head as tears streamed down his face. This is my fault?! It's all my fault! "MARINETTE!" He continued to cry out to the blue haired girl hoping to wake her up. But she was still out cold on the floor. HawkMoth waved Mayura to follow him over to Chat Noir whose eyes were swollen from tears and full of anger. Chat struggled hoping to get out of the ropes and let his anger out on HawkMoth.

HawkMoth: "tell me where this girl hid the guardian box and I'll let you both go."

Chat: "don't you think it's a bit too late? You've already revealed her identity. You might as-well reveal mine as-well. Better yet, you talked about how secrets shouldn't be kept from us superheroes that protect the city from you. How about you tell us all who you are?! You know, secrets shouldn't be kept."
Chat spoke with pure rage in his voice.

HawkMoth could feel his aura full of anger towards him. He let out a small chuckle before bending down to Chat's level. "You're only kids, how can a whole city trust a pair of children to protect them everyday unless they know who they are." He opened out his left hand revealing two earrings being held on his palm. Chat gritted his teeth as he looked at HawkMoth in disgust. HawkMoth bent down and grabbed Chat's hand showing it to the camera. "I'm sure you all want to know who is underneath a cat suit right? So let's find out together!" HawkMoth grabbed a hold of Chat's ring and the blonde cat tried his best to take his hand back but HawkMoth's grip was in control.

"CHAT NOIR!" A familiar voice ring through Chat's ears and his eyes moved their attention to Marinette who was stood up and began running over to them. She wrapped her arms around HawkMoth's neck strangling him, pulling him backwards onto the floor with her. She wrapped her legs around his neck and held his arms together behind his back. "Grab his miraculous Chat!"

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