Its over

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Marinette's words gave Chat Noir strength and he took a deep breath before putting all of his strength into breaking the rope and broke free with rope pieces flying everywhere; one of the pieces hitting Volpina in the face sending her flying off the tower.
Chat leaned over to HawkMoth and ripped the broach off his costume. His body was surrounded in purple light which later revealed Gabriel Agreste. Chat sat back loosening his grip on the miraculous. The butterfly miraculous dropped onto the floor as he saw his own father in front of him. His eyes were widened and pupils shrunk in sadness. How could his own father do this to him? "why... why... WHY!"
Chat stood back up and approached Gabriel Agreste slowly clenching his fist and gritting his teeth. Marinette sat with a hold of Gabriel still and screamed out at Chat Noir trying to tell him to not hurt him. "He hurt you Mari... he should be hurt. Over and over..."

Gabriel tried to break free from Marinette's grip and once Chat was close enough, he raised his fist ready to swing for him. Gabriel shifted his shoulders and moved his head to the side closing his eyes in the process. But nothing happened. He couldn't feel Marinette's grip anymore. He opened his eyes to see Marinette standing in front of him with her arms out blocking Chat's attack.

Chat: "why Marinette, why are you protecting him?!" Chat spoke with pure anger and didn't hesitate to be rude to her, his anger was getting the best of him.

Marinette: "because if we hurt him when he's powerless well seem like the bad people Chat... you don't want that do you? All we have to do is get him arrested and it's done." She spoke softly to him which helped him relax. He lowered his fist and relaxed taking in a deep breath. Marinette wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his head onto her shoulder letting it rest. He hesitated and didn't hug back, he just rested his head onto her shoulder taking a minute to breathe. "Hey Chat, do you know where my earrings are? And his miraculous?"

Chat raised his head back up opening up his other hand which held her earrings. Marinette smiled softly at him and took her earrings putting them in her ears. Chat walked back grabbing Gabriel's miraculous while Marinette transformed back into Ladybug. When they turned back to Gabriel, Mayura was sat next to him coughing.

Ladybug: "give me the miraculous please Mayura. It's broken, you will die if you keep using it." She put out her hand requesting for the jewel to be given. Mayura only stood up ready to fight. "Fine." She turned to face Chat Noir who was indeed very quiet. "Hey, it will be okay. Go find Lila, I'm pretty sure that her akuma flew out. Just make sure she isn't injured for me okay? I'll take care of Mayura." She spoke to Chat while having a smile on her face. It was the same smile that made him fall in love with. A small smile formed on half of his mouth and he nodded running off to find Lila.

Ladybug turned back around to be face to face with Mayura. Ladybug and Mayura both charged at each other throwing attacks at each other constantly. Ladybug was able to dodge most of them and she ended up being able to tie her up with her yo-yo. She left Mayura on the floor with her yo-yo and used the spare rope they had and tied Gabriel up. She walked back over to Mayura who coughed once again. She bent down taking the miraculous off her costume revealing Nathalie Gabriel's assistant. "You know, it's dangerous to use a broken miraculous. You really put your life on the line for Gabriel. But tell me you two, why? Why did you want our miraculous? What wish is worth risking lives of innocent people?"
They both stayed silent keeping the air silent. Ladybug let out a short sigh before standing back up to hear a small bang his metal. Chat Noir had returned after finding Lila. "Is she okay Chat?"

Chat nodded in agreement. "We forgot about the camera." Chat spoke while pointing to the camera that recorded everything. Ladybug's heart sped up as she approached it. Ladybug: "citizens of Paris, I'm sorry HawkMoth put you through this, watching this fight take place. I will gladly do a couple of interviews about today but I'm not talking about too much. HawkMoth was selfish and only wanted to control your feelings to get what he wanted. Me and Chat are both thankful for you all for supporting us as superheroes. And now we have finally defeated him. Thank you Paris." Chat and Ladybug waved at the camera before she turned it off.

Chat: "good job Mari-" before Chat could finish his sentence, Ladybug threw her arms around his neck burrowing her head into his shoulder. His arms snaked around her waist securing her. He rested his head onto hers as he tightened his grip on her. A small noise which sounded like crying startled Chat and he lifted his head up also lifting hers with his hand cupping her cheeks. "Are you okay? It's over now. You don't have to worry anymore." He gave Ladybug a gentle smile and wiped her tears with his thumb.

Ladybug: "s-sorry for being a cry b-baby." She took a deep breath recomposing herself before speaking again. "You really scared me there. I should be asking if you're okay." She looked into the green emerald orbs that she loved. 

Chat: "I-I don't know... it shocked me... a lot... he's family... how could he do this to me. I'm sorry for scaring you I was in shock, I still am." He leaned his head back down and Ladybug pulled him into another hug letting him rest on her chest. The sound of the Police cars began to approach the Eiffel Tower. They both were alerted and decomposed themselves before taking Gabriel and Nathalie down to the bottom of the tower. They both watched as Gabriel and Nathalie were put into the police cars and watched them dive away.

Ladybug looked over at Chat who watched the car Gabriel was in closely. Once they were out of sight, Chat lowered his head letting out a long sigh. Ladybug put her small hand on his shoulder and he put his onto hers rubbing her hand with his thumb. Chat looked up meeting eyes with the blue haired heroin and gave her a small nod instantly announcing that he's okay. They both stared at each other for what felt like an eternity until their peace was interrupted by flashes of light blinding their eyes. They couldn't see anything but flashes of light. They both raised their arms to cover their faces hiding themselves from the light. "Aren't you Marinette from the Dupain-Cheng family? How do you manage school life and heroin work? Who are you Chat Noir? Do you two both know each other? Do you know each other's identity's?" The voices were repetitive and loud. They both covered their ears while trying to flee the area. They were surrounded by needy reporters that were being extremely nosey. Once they were able to get a bit more space, the two heroins used their weapons to fly into the air heading to Adrien's house. They leaped building to building with his house in sight. They quickly hid making sure they weren't being followed before jumping through the open window into the warmth of Adrien's room. light surrounded their body's as their costumes disappeared.

Adrien walked over to his bed and threw his body onto it making it bounce. He dug his face into it hiding his face and Marinette walked over to the bed laying with her back on it. "Hey Adrien."

Adrien: "mhm?" Adrien was able to get a small response out while keeping his head hurried in his bed.

Marinette: "how do you think everyone will react... I mean like my parents and our friends. Surely they'll get suspicious of you." She sat up and looked at Adrien who lifted his head and sat up looking at her with a smile on his face. It looked so comforting for her helping her relax.

The blonde boy wrapped his hands around one of hers holding it tightly. "Everything will be fine, that's why I brought you here. Everyone is going to go straight to your house for about a week maybe longer, so for now you can stay over here. I'll let our friends round and you can call your parents or bring them round if you want to. We can do this Mari." A tear streamed down her face as a smile crept onto her face along with a tint of pink on her cheeks. The pink on her cheeks caught Adrien's attention and he gave her a smirk making he aware that he noticed her blush. She took back her hands from his grip and covered her face making her even more red along with her ears. "I'm only teasing Mari. Come on let's go to bed."Adrien got under the covers in his bed and tapped next to him giving her an invitation to get into bed. She followed and got under the covers next to him. She looked the opposite way of Adrien and he looked in her direction waiting for her to turn around. "Mari, turn around please? I wanna say something to your face." He spoke softly which made Marinette comfortable enough to face the blonde haired boy and he started to run his fingers through her silky raven hair making her feel sleepy and trying to keep her eyes from closing. "I love you Marinette. I always have, I was jealous of you and Luka." Adrien spoke with seriousness "I love you too." Marinette returned his statement before falling asleep completely. Adrien gently pressed his lips against her forehead before closing his eyes and falling asleep.

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