Ladybug meets Gabriel

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Marinette stood with her face being blank sheet. She couldn't believe that she saw Gabriel Agreste in her bakery in person! It has to be important if he has to speak to her in person.

Gabriel stood with a straight face completely ignoring the fact that Marinette was ignoring every word coming out of his mouth. He had a feeling this was going to happen, Adrien did say to him that Marinette looks up to Gabriel for his designing skills.
Marinette snapped back to reality as what felt like an electric shock hit her head. "S-sorry! How can I help you today?"

Gabriel: "I'm not here for bakery food. I wanted to talk to you about something to do with my son."

Marinette: "o-oh? Okay, is Adrien okay?"

Gabriel: "no Marinette Dupain- Cheng. He is not, I have heard from one of you peers that you are a bad influence to my son and hence I wanted to speak to you in person."

Marinette's blood began to boil. She knew exactly who told him this lie. Gabriel observed her actions as she clenched her fists in anger. Her blood was boiling to the max, Adrien didn't deserve to be brought into her and Lila's constant fights. Gabriel took advantage of Marinette being deep in thought and looked at her ears while she was looking to the side. His eyes were instantly drawn to the blank earrings in her ears and he knew instantly that what he had been told was correct. This is Ladybug.

Gabriel: "I'll be heading off now, please stay away from my son."
As Gabriel turned around, Marinette's head spun back around facing his cold back. He always looked to cold and heartless, even from the back.

Marinette: "WAIT!"

Gabriel turned back around slowly facing the angry girl, he crossed his arms making Marinette's stomach drop. He wasn't happy. "Yes, Marinette? Make this quick, I have to do work." He spoke so coldly, like he didn't care. She couldn't believe that this is the man that raised Adrien.
Marinette clinched her fist harder causing a numb feeling to surface in the skin of her palms from her nails digging into her palm. She didn't care about the pain, she just wanted to get her point across. "What was you told? I haven't done anything! In fact I've been there for Adrien ever since he started school after we made up. We're great friends! I wouldn't do anything that would upset him."

Gabriel: "from what I was told, you are a bad influence to my son. You have lied to your own school and friends plenty of times. Ladybug."

Marinette's face sunk, her eyes were widened more, her face being completely pale. Her arms dropped down to her sides brushing against her thin clothes. Does he know? When did he find out? Is he joking?
These were the only thoughts going through her head, she didn't know how to react, what to say. Not a single word was able to crawl out of her mouth. "How did you-"

Before Marinette could respond to his statement, a black bag surrounded her head as she spoke. Again? What's going on?! Where am I?!"
She could feel her body being picked up, but it wasn't Gabriel that picked her up. She was so scared that every inch of her body was trembling in fear. She couldn't transform without knowing where she was, she didn't even know if Tikki had been snatched out of her bag.

She continued to fidget around even though both her legs and wrists were tied up, this time they were tighter. Really tight. They were rubbing against her pale skin. They were starting to really rub in, she could feel her skin burning and starting to bleed. Tears began taking over her cheeks as her eyes began to bleed out tears. She was terrified. She eventually gave in to the struggle hoping the pain would lessen, she sat still throughout the journey to this unknown location.

Every second that passed, her heart sped up more and more, almost to the point where it felt like it was trying to break out of her chest. The car come to a sudden stop and her heart began to race even more, so much that she could hear her own heart beat. She was carried into some unknown building and they stood still for a few minutes. She contained her screams and kept quiet until they reached open air. Marinette knew instantly that they were high up in the sky. The cold air smacked her skin as soon as they left the elevator. The Icy air was prickling at her skin giving her more goosebumps.

Marinette was thrown onto the floor colliding her thin body with the icy floor. The bag was snatched off her head revealing her face once again. Her hair was all messed up and had completely fell out of their normal pigtails. Her eyes shut tight from the sudden exposure to the daylight. Once she was able to reopen her eyes, her eyes laid upon a camera I front of her. "What is the meaning of this? Why are you doing this Gab-" Marientte instantly closed her mouth as she turned to face HawkMoth. He had a smirk over his face and held his cane over his shoulder. He stood with pride, finally he can achieve what he's wanted to do for a long time.

HawkMoth walked up to Marinette grabbing her by her chin squishing her cheeks together forcing a pout in her lips. Yes it did indeed hurt, he was really aggressive. But she was focused on giving him daggers from her eyes. He looked into the blue haired girl's eyes and all he could see was anger. He chuckled at the sight of her angry face and let go leaving red marks from his tight grip. Marionette stared at his every move as he walked towards the camera. He put his hand behind his back where Mayura was standing and handed him a small red bug.

As soon as he spun Tikki around, Marinette screamed out Tikki's name with tears streaming down her face. "YOU'RE A MONSTER!" Marinette spoke with pure rage, she was so angry that her voice crackled as she spoke.

HawkMoth: "she ain't dead you silly little girl. I suggest if you want to bring her back, I'll transform."

Marinette knew it was a trap, but if it helped Tikki... then it had to be done. "Tikki, I'm sorry. I'm not doing that! She needs food! She needs energy before I can transform."

HaskMoth: "what a troublesome child. Ugh, why do you have to make things so difficult." He walked over to Marinette and placed Tikki in front of her on the cold floor instantly waking the little kwami up from the icy touch.

Tikki: "Marinette... you need to transform, defend yourself." Tikki flew up to Marinette's face placing her small palm on the girl's cheek. She gave Marinette the sweetest smile before they both nodded at each other.

Marinette: "Tikki, spots on." Her body was surrounded in a tight red followed by black spots.

Ladybug broke free from the tight ropes using her super strength. She tore off the rope around her ankles rubbing them before standing ready for battle. HawkMoth nodded at Mayura and the peacock looking woman turned on the camera following the two miraculous holders as they fought.

*meanwhile, at Adrien's*
Adrien and Plagg were both sat comfortably on the sofa watching TV. Adrien was flicking through channels bored out of his mind. He put the controller for the TV down after leaving it on the local news going over weather. He stood up stretching his long arms and walked over to the window staring into the horizon. He was soon interrupted by the loud noise of the news.

Breaking news!
Ladybug is on the rooftop of the Eiffel Tower right now fighting HawkMoth! Let's head straight to the scene with Nadja Chamack!

Adrien rushed back to the TV and stared at it with his eyes widened as far as they can go, he had his hands gripped on the edge of the sofa as he saw Ladybug fighting a battle against HawkMoth.

I'm coming live from the Eiffel Tower from the helicopter as we get a birds eye view on this battle! Where's Chat Noir? And who is that woman dressed in a blue peacock like dress? Is that a new supervillain? Stay tuned for mo-

The screen went fuzzy and out of signal. Adrien couldn't bare to see this, he stood back up looking at Plagg about to transform. The TV suddenly turned back on but not to the news, it was from the camera that Mayura was controlling. She suddenly turned the camera to face herself revealing a smirk on her face which had the whole of Paris traumatized.

Mayura: "Coming live from the best battle to ever happen, your amazing 'heroes' will lose and you'll see the worthless people under these masks!"

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