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Adrien: "oh... I'm so sorry Marinette."

Marinette gave Adrien yet another gentle smile and waved her hands slowly while telling him over and over it was okay. "Look, we have to talk. About what just happened."

Adrien: "yeah, why didn't he just take our miraculous?"

Marinette: "I don't know, but he has been so obsessed with getting his hands on them. So why not take them when you have the chance."

Adrien: "maybe it's part of a plan."

Marinette: "I guess that makes a bit more sense."

Adrien: "he's probably planning something even bigger, like he wanted us to know his base location. Except, I don't remember the exact spot. I just wanted to get away as quick as possible and it's dark outside."

Marinette: "yeah I didn't get a good view either. I remember how the window looked though, maybe if we can try to find that window then we'll find his base."

Adrien: "but then we might be falling into his hands again."

Marinette: "ugh, this is making my head spin out."

Adrien: "get some rest. We both need it, especially you. So much has happened to you lately, you need rest."

Adrien stood up and climbed outside onto the balcony being surrounded by the cold wind of the night. Marinette followed him up and wrapped her hands over her opposite arms watching Adrien transform back into the black leather suit. His green eyes shined on the darkness giving her a feeling of comfort.

They both waved at each other with smiles on their faces before Chat leapt off the balcony and glided over buildings on route to his house. Marinette climbed back into her room and got changed into her soft pajamas before climbing into bed.

Chat Noir climbed through his window escaping the cold wind following him in the darkness of the night. A green flash surrounded his body as the suit disappears and Plagg flew out of his ring landing on the bed.

Plagg: "Yo Adrien, you okay?"

Adrien: "are you okay you mean?! You just asked if I was okay before cheese?!"

Plagg: "haha, very funny. But I'm being serious here." Plagg floated up to Adrien's level as he sat down on the bed exchanging looks with Plagg.

Adrien: "I'm fine, I'm just a little shook up by the experience."

Plagg: "you sure kid?"

Adrien: "yeah I'm fine, I just need to get some sleep Plagg. Goodnight."

Plagg: "night kid."

*a few hours later*

Adrien was struggling in his sleep. The constant sight he saw was looping over and over in his head. His body was twisting and turning with sweat constantly overtaking his body. Seeing Ladybug in pain tormented him, her tears, the darkness surrounding her pure eyes. He couldn't take it.


Adrien shot up out of bed with unsteady breathes constantly escaping his mouth. His eyes were wide open from shock and fear was clouding them. Plagg woke up and flew over to Adrien landing on his shoulder.

Plagg: "Adrien? Are you okay?"

Adrien: "sorry Plagg I didn't mean to wake you." Adrien spoke as he steadied his breathing.

Plagg: "why don't you go see her? You dreamt about earlier didn't you?"

Adrien: "y-yeah..."

Plagg: "go see her kid. Talk to her about it. I have a feeling she's struggling too."

Adrien: "thanks Plagg, claws out."

Adrien transformed into Chat Noir and leapt across buildings. His eyes laid upon a bakery and a smile crept onto his face. He landed on her balcony causing a small thud alerting Marinette immediately.

He leaned onto the railing on her balcony taking in the view of the twinkling stars in the sky. Marinette had walked up to him and leaned on the railings next to him, he still wasn't aware of her being there yet. He was so concentrated on the breathtaking view of the sky.

Marinette: "hey Chat."

Chat Noir's heart jumped at the calm sound of Marinette's voice. He put his hand on the back of his neck while turning to look at the raven haired girl. Her eyes really shined in this darkness.

Chat: "sorry if I woke you up."

Marinette: "you didn't, I've been awake for at least an hour now. I had a nightmare, I was going to come and see you to be honest but it seems you beat me to it."

Chat: "was it earlier?"

Marinette nodded in response. She continued to look into the distance to delay the tears in her eyes. Chat saw straight through her play.

Chat: "Marinette. What's wrong? I can see you're trying to hold back tears."

Marinette: "I- it was earlier... I dreamt about the vision Tormentor made me have. It's on constant repeat in my head."

Chat: "what was this vision?"

Marinette: "I saw us at HawkMoth's feet. He had our miraculous and we were close to death. I couldn't bare to see you like that..."

Chat wrapped his long arms around Marinette's neck and moved one round her waist securing her as he laid his head onto her shoulder. Marinette's eyes broke out in tears and she wrapped her arms around his neck comforting him as well.

The two had been hugging each other for what felt like hours. Marinette was first to break the hug and she looked up at Chat Noir with a gentle smile on her face.

Chat: "are you okay now?"

Marinette: "yeah, I hunk I just needed to see you. I'm just scared that what I was shown, isn't just a normal vision. But one that makes you see into the future."

Chat: "don't worry Princess. I wont let that happen."
Chat gave Marinette a soft smile and rubbed the top of her head with his hand. A pink glow crept onto both of their cheeks as shivers crawled down both of their backs.

Marinette: "how about you stay the night? It's really late and it's cold out here. Besides, I think I will feel better if I have you next to me." Chat smiled accepting her invitation.

Marinette: "of course silly! We both had nightmares about today, about each other." They both smiled at each other and climbed into her room closing the trapdoor behind Chat. It was nice and cozy in there. He detransformed and gave Plagg his cheese before sliding under the covers. They laid next to each other facing each other. Adrien struggled getting comfortable so Marinette opened her arms signalling for him to snuggle up to her. He snuggled into her arms resting his head onto her shoulder as she laid flat. His arms were around her stomach holding her in place. He was finally comfortable and so was she.

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