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*The next morning*

Marinette was first to flutter open her eyes. She felt so comfortable, the warmth that she was feeling made her more sleepy making her want to fall back into the slumber she was happily in. She didn't want this moment to end.

She looked down at Adrien's ruffled blonde hair as it was blocking her sight of his face by hanging over his eyes. She gently lifted up the hair making Adrien flinch in comfort, her warmth made him smile. She giggled at his little smile that crept onto his face and couldn't help but get a pink glow on her cheeks.
She rested her head on top of his and laid her hand on his shoulder gently rubbing it with her thumb.
Adrien soon awoke and looked up to Marinette who had the very smile on her face that he fell in love with. He put his head back down still staring up at Marinette with his emerald eyes. They both got lost in each other's gaze. However, a small knock at the trap door leading to the rest of the house interrupted their moment.

Marinette: "I'll be right there!" She slowly sat up forcing the two of them to break their comfortable hug. "Sorry, I have to go I think it's my mum I'll be right back. I'll hide just Incase though."

Adrien nodded in response before watching the raven haired girl climb off her bed and strolled to the trap door closing it behind her. He laid there letting out a long sigh of happiness that made his face light up.

Plagg: "someone's happy." Plagg landed on Adrien's hand while nibbling on his cheese which according to Plagg he flew down to the bakery to get some.

Adrien: "I am Plagg, I think she's forgiven me."

Plagg swallowed the rest of his cheese rubbing his belly with his little paw and rested backwards relaxed before looking back at Adrien with a serious face. "You two need to come up with a plan you know."

Adrien sat confused as to what Plagg was implying and a small red bug flew up to the bed and landed on the soft covers who was soon accompanied by Plagg.

Tikki: "HawkMoth. We seriously need to talk about that. When Marinette gets back anyway, he's planning something."

Adrien: "oh yeah. We're still shocked why he didn't just take our miraculous though."

Tikki: "if you ask me Adrien, I think he wanted to mentally harm you and Marinette which would make you both angry and want to take action on him as soon as possible. And he's probably waiting for you to retrace your steps."

Adrien tilted his body back arching his back and placed his hand on his face.

Marinette suddenly appeared through her trap door with food for them all. She sat on her chaise lounges chair and patted it gently signalling for them all to sit down with her. They did exactly that, especially Adrien. The sight of croissants made his stomach grumble with excitement. His eyes were sparkling with happiness, he's always loved their croissants.

Adrien grabbed the first croissant and instantly began eating away. Marinette couldn't help but let out a small chuckle, she knew just how much he loves their croissants. They both enjoyed their breakfast and sat back relaxing for a bit before Adrien's smile turned into a frown.

Marinette looked at Adrien and the atmosphere completely changed. "What's up Adrien?"

Adrien: "I should head home before my father finds out I'm out."

Marinette: "yeah, you should head home. But text me if you get bored or anything okay? I know you don't like to talk too much about home life but I'm always here for you okay?" She gently placed her hand on Adrien's shoulder and rubbed it with her small thumb comforting him. A smiled crept onto his face as he placed his hand on top of hers completely covering it.

Adrien: "thanks Mari. I know this is random, but I didn't get a chance to tell you. I was always jealous of you and Luka, after a good few months of seeing you two together, I couldn't help but feel a strange feeling. Plagg told me it was jealousy but I kept denying it. Funny isn't it? I never realised how much you meant to me. I need to talk to Luka about it to be honest, I think he knew."

Marinette: "wow... I had no idea, is that why you did... that?"

Adrien: "y-yeah, sorry again Mari."

Marinette: "it's okay Adrien! It's kind of like that time I tried to kiss you in that wax museum remember? THAT was awkward."

Adrien and Marinette giggled before they both stood up to head to the balcony. Adrien's body was covered in black leather as he transformed and he placed his gentle lips onto Marinette's hand and kissed it before saluting goodbye. He vaulted off into the distance through the warm air and landed back into his room running straight to the bathroom to grab a shower after detransforming.

Marinette let out a sigh and climbed back into her room closing the trap door behind her. Tikki flew up to her as she sat on her bed again.

Tikki: "Marinette, I said this to Adrien, but you two need to come up with a plan about HawkMoth."

Marinette: "oh shoot! I completely forgot to talk to him about that!"

Tikki let out a small giggle before landing on Marinette's hand and they both giggled.

Marinette: "I'm going to go get ready, I need to see Luka before he leaves."

Marinette and Tikki separated and Tikki chilled on Marinette's bed Kuching on some chocolate chip cookies, her face crawling with happiness.

Once Marinette was ready, she got dressed and went straight to Luka's boat.

Juleka: "hey Marinette!"

Marinette: "hey Jul! Where's Luka?"

Juleka: "he's finishing up packing in his room, you might want to be quick though, his flight is soon."

Marinette: "thanks Juleka, see ya!" Marinette rushed into Luka's room and stopped in her tracks when the blue haired boy looked in her direction.

Luka: "hey Mari."

Marinette: "Hey Luka, we need to talk. While we were dating, did you do it just to make Adrien jealous?"

Luka: "no, I did it for us. But a part of me also did it to make Adrien realise how blind he was, the perfect girl has been standing in front of him this whole time and he couldn't see it. I'm sorry Marinette, but it was mainly for the both of us. I love you so much that I couldn't bare to see Adrien not realise how much you loved him."

Marinette: "Luka..."

Marinette ran up to Luka and wrapped her thin arms around his neck, he wrapped his around her waist and they continued to hug forgiving each other for everything.

Marinette and Luka talked things through and she went with him to the airport along with his family to wave him goodbye. It was for the best. That is all that Marinette and Luka could think of, they both understood the consequences of having a long distance relationship, neither of them could have managed it. After seeing Luka off, Marinette made her way back home and hung out in the bakery doing her part for money. The day went quick, a lot of customers appeared.
The bell opened once again announcing the entrance of a new customer brining in the evening cold with them.

Marinette: "good evening, how may i-" She raised her head revealing a tall figure in all white with a red and white tie. He stood staring into her soul. Her eyes were wide open with shock, she could barely move.

Gabriel: "hello, miss Dupain-Cheng"

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