Murder mystery

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A/N: This was my friend's idea lol. Also, trigger warning: Lots of death (Duh, it's murder mystery)

Techno, Dream, George, Sapnap, Skeppy and Badboyhalo found A6d's "dead" body. It was a normal morning at Bad's house. They were going to record a few vlogs and chill, maybe find themselves some girls to flirt with at the beach. But no, A6d's "death" had prevented them from even leaving the house. Something was wrong, they could feel it.


Badboyhalo's POV

I was eating my blueberry muffin on the couch, talking to Dream, Techno, and George when Skeppy ran into the room screaming, "Oh my god A6d's dead!"

I choked on my muffin as everyone else started lowkey panicking. We all followed Skeppy to where A6d's body was, and sure enough, there he was, lying as still as a dead corpse. Our screams could've been heard from the next town over as our lowkey panicking turned into complete chaos. George's scream was of course louder than all of ours, but we were still louder than any of my memeing fans. 

"What do we do what do we do??" Sapnap begged.

"Should we call the police?" Dream asked, pulling out his cellphone.

"How can you be so calm?!" George screamed, "Were you the one who killed him??"

"What-? No!" Dream retaliated, "It could've been Techno for fuck's sake!"

"Language!" I screamed.

"Just 'cause they call me the blood god doesn't mean I'd actually kill someone!" Techno defended.

"Skeppy's pretty fucking quiet," Sapnap accused, "Maybe it was him. After all, he did find the body."

"What?! No, not at all!" Skeppy yelled, seemingly trying to hold back laughter.

"First of all, Sapnap: language. Second of all, my muffinhead wouldn't kill anyone! He's trying to hold in laughter for crying out loud!" I tried defending Skeppy.

"Yeah, but who laughs at a fucking dead body?!" Sapnap screamed.

The whole room went silent. We stood there, contemplating what Sapnap had just said, until Techno broke the silence.

"I'm gonna use the bathroom, be right back," he told us.

He walked out of the room, giving us no time to stop him. So we waited. 5 minutes became 10, and 10 minutes became 30. 30 minutes became an hour before Dream spoke up.

"Guys, Techno's been gone for quite a while. Should we go check on him?" Dream asked.

"He probably found the opportunity to leave the crime scene to avoid being arrested," George pouted.

"We should probably go check on him," I said, walking out of the room.

"Wait up!" Skeppy cried as he tried to catch up.

"We have no choice I guess," Sapnap muttered as he, Dream, and George followed suite.

"Oh my goodness..." I murmured as I halted at the door to the bathroom.

The sight was truly horrific. Techno's head was submerged in the toilet. A piece of paper lied on the counter. Picking it up, I read it out loud.

"There is no escape"

"Holy shit," Skeppy muttered in my ear.

"Language," I whispered to him.

"So someone among us is killing everyone," Dream stated, "And clearly hated Techno and A6d."

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