The party - Dreamnotfound

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It had been 4 years since Georgenotfound had quit youtube, and it still hurt Dream. At the moment, Dream was at a party hosted by his friend Skeppy. He took a look around the living room to see if George was there, but he wasn't.

"Of course he wouldn't be here," Dream scolded himself, "He cut contact years ago."

Little did Dream know that George was at the party. George was in the kitchen by the snacks eating as much as he could while laughing with A6d and a very drunk Spifey. George knew that Dream was at the party, but he didn't want to just walk up to his best friend that he had ditched while quitting youtube and pretend nothing had happened.

So the two men kept their distance. Dream kept drinking until he knew for sure that the alcohol had kicked in and George kept stuffing his stomach with snacks. Dream decided to stumble around Skeppy's house to find someone to drunkenly flirt with. And then, their eyes met.

It was only for a split second, but it sent George over the moon. What if Dream made his way to George and yelled at him? He knew Dream would be pretty pissed by now. Maybe Dream would be mad (and drunk) enough to attempt to murder him? 

"Stop overthinking George," A6d told him, as if he read the brit's mind, "Dream's probably gonna feel lots of emotions, but none of them will be anger."

"Thanks Vincent," George muttered.

Dream made his way to George. He didn't know if it was really the man he knew and loved, but the man he made his way to sure looked like him (a/n: that was probably confusing oops). Even if it wasn't who he thought it was, he still wanted to get to know the mysterious stranger.

"Hey there cutie," Dream hiccupped.

"Oh hello there Dre-" George said, cutting himself off as to not expose himself to Dream.

"What's your name?" Dream asked.

"Um, it's George," George told him.

"George~" Dream cooed, "That's an adorable name for a cutie like you."

George blushed. A6d dragged Spifey over to Skeppy, who was trying to convince Bad that he was drunk and wanted a kiss. 

The two men were alone in the kitchen, Dream flirting and George shooting him down. During all this, Dream was sobering up and realized it was in fact the very George who he loved. But George didn't know that he finally knew. At least, not until Skeppy announced that they'd be playing truth or dare. 

"Alrighty everyone! Let's play Truth or dare!" Skeppy announced, faking drunkness.

Everyone piled into the living room and sat around. Skeppy decided to go first. 

"So Bad, truth or dare?"

"Truth," Bad replied.

"Do you love meeee?" Skeppy slurred.

"What?! I- um..." Bad yelped, shocked.

"SO YOU DO LOVE ME!" Skeppy yelled.

"Oh my goodness..." Bad murmured.

"It's your turn Bad," George informed.


The game went on. The results were Badboyhalo in full makeup and a maid outfit, Skeppy in full drag, Dream politely sitting on the couch and George on his lap. Then, it was Skeppy's turn again.

"Dream, truth or dare?"

"Dare," Dream said confidently.

"So, I'd like you to know that Georgenotfound is here at this party. Believe it or not, Dream. So I dare you to kiss him."

George blushed like mad, while Dream looked more calm than Skeppy expected.

"I knew George was here the whole time. I realized it while sobering up earlier with him."

And not giving everyone enough time to process what Dream had said, he kissed George. On the lips.

Just like that, a friendship was fixed, and love just bloomed.

A/N: This was so rushed and terribly planned :(

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