"Dance with me?" - Dreamhalo (reader insert)

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It was late at night when y/n finally arrived at the airport. Y/n was meeting up with Bad and Dream before the three flew to VidCon. While the humanoid being waited for their plane, they decided to scroll Twitter, the place full of random shenanigans that could compete with Tumblr. As the bored entity scrolled through countless tweets from the excitement from the youtubers meeting up at VidCon, their notifications rang. Oh, the two lovebirbs were trying to find each other.

(a/n: so the users are kinda straightforward, but if you're as dense as a rock, here's a list: Tall blob thing- Dream, H*ll angel- Bad, Generic humanoid robot thing that Tubbo likes- y/n)

Tall blob thing: Badddddd
H*ll angel: What? 
Tall blob thing: Where are youuuuu?
H*ll angel: I'm pretty sure last time I told you where I was you hunted me down and killed me.
Tall blob thing: That was in mc! This is real life!
H*ll angel: You already know what I look like, why are you asking where I am? :/
Tall blob thing: Cuz I wanna find you before we find y/n!
Generic humanoid robot thing that Tubbo likes: I feel offended, my own best friend wants to find his boyfriend before me ;-;

Y/n laughed before looking up to see a familiar face. 

"Baddddd!" Y/n dragged out the 'd' as they and the man mentioned ran towards each other.

The two hugged before Dream appeared, looking a little heartbroken. Y/n took note of this, reminding themselves to confront the tall blob man later.

"Can we get outta here?" Y/n complained.

The two men laughed before walking out with y/n trailing behind them with their suitcase. 

When you three got to Dream's house, you immediately claimed the guest room, leaving Bad to either sleep on the couch or in Dream's bed. Both lovebirbs were blushing, but y/n didn't care. Their biggest ship was about to sail, and they didn't want anything to mess it up. Which meant getting Georgenotfound and Skeppy their own birbs to love. That was easy, they thought, I can either get them together or get them to date Sapnap and Technoblade.  

Y/n saw the two chatting and joined them. The three talked about lots of things, from video ideas to random moments during their streams. Once Bad deemed himself tired, the three split ways to go to bed. Well, two people did. Y/n called up a couple people to help them get Bad and Dream together. Of course, since this is a fanfic everyone agreed to help.

The call went a little like this-
Y/n: Hey freaks, we need to talk
Skepboi: fine
Techno: sure nerd
George(notfound): Is this about Dream and Bad?
Y/n: No shit sherlock
George(notfound): okok 
Techno: So what about these two nerds y/n?
Y/n: We need to play matchmaking, duh
Skepboi: AYYYYY!
Techno: geez my ears
Y/n: Where's Sapnap? He's the best at this kind of thing not gonna lie
Sapnap: Hi
Skepboi: Were you here this whole time?
Sapnap: Yep, now we need a gameplan
Y/n: nice, now we're talking
Sapnap: what are they even doing
Y/n: sleeping
Techno: probably with each other
George(notfound): Oh damn
Y/n: Gameplan, right now
Sapnap: Get em to dance with each other
Techno: Seriously?
George(notfound): Sounds like a great idea
Y/n: So we host a dance party in the airbnb?
Skepboi: Ya basically
Y/n: Aight, dj duty
Sapnap: the rest of us just has to pretend we're having fun and partner up when y/n plays a slow song.
Skepboi: Can I be with technonoob?
Y/n: Sure whatever
Sapnap: Guess that leaves me with Georgie
George(notfound): alright, let's get this show on the road!

The next day, the three peeps at Dreams house arrived at the airport. Sapnap was going to pick them up and drive them to the airbnb the whole group had rented. Sapnap and y/n gave each other a knowing smirk as they made eye contact across the gigantic airport room. 

"SAPNAPPPP," Y/n yelled as they ran towards the bandana dude waiting for them. 

"Hey y/n," Sapnap laughed as y/n tackled him into a hug.

"Hey where's our hugs?" Dream pouted. 

Y/n and Sapnap laughed again as they untangled their arms so that Sapnap could hug Bad and Dream. Dream was definately taller than Sapnap by metres, while Bad was only slightly taller than Sapnap by a couple inches. Mon dieu, je suis trop petit (My god, I'm too short), y/n thought to themselves. They decided to pile into the car Sapnap brought with him and drove to the airbnb.

When they got there, y/n got tackled by two recognizable figures.

"Hello to you too Tommy and Tubbo," Y/n greeted as they tried to get the two children off of them. 

The whole group laughed as they entered the house to chill. They all chatted and laughed until Sapnap gave the hint that the plan was about to begin.

"Hey guys, we should host a party here!" Sapnap suggested.

"Yeah that sounds like a great idea!" Skeppy agreed.

"Alrighty then, how about in 2 nights from now?" Y/n suggested.

The whole group agreed with them.

"But for now..." Tommy started, smirking evilly, "Truth or dare Sapnap?"

The whole group gasped, but agreed to the game.

"Dare, I ain't a chicken," Sapnap claimed.

"Chug a glass of toilet water," Tommy dared.

"Aight," was all Sapnap said before heading to the washroom. A few moments later, the group heard gagging.

"The water tastes like shit!" Sapnap gagged while everyone laughed.

"Language!" Bad exclaimed.

The game continued on, but dear reader, you'll be spared the details of the game. Good luck fixing the forth wall btw, the supplies are in the back corner behind you.

Two nights later, it was the night of the party. Y/n had speakers that blared Wilbur's music as everyone was laughing and dancing. Suddenly, y/n switched the song to some slow ballroom song. Everyone split off into pairs, even Tommy and Tubbo who didn't know of their plans. The two children were trying hard not to laugh while Tommy spun Tubbo around like a top. Y/n watched them fondly until the moment they were waiting for began to unravel.

"Hey Bad," Dream greeted, "What brings you to sulk in the corner like this?"

"Hey Dream, I'm just watching everyone act like cute couples," Bad replied nonchalantly.

Dream just stared at Bad. Y/n knew the real reason why Bad was sulking in the corner. Bad wanted to feel loved, not heartbroken in a corner. Bad always kept up a happy and cheerful personality because he didn't want anyone to worry. The only reason why y/n knew was because Bad confessed all this while drunk one night. 

"Um... Dance with me?" Dream asked.

"Sure I guess," Bad accepted as Dream pulled him onto the dance floor.

Y/n immediately pulled out a camera and recorded the two lovebirbs to the best of their ability. The whole room admired the graceful duo that weaved their way through the mini crowd. Even Tommy and Tubbo stopped their antics. 

When the duo realized that no one else was dancing, y/n stopped recording. The two men blushed and let go of each other.

"That was lovely," George commented.

"Yeah, lovely enough that the plan actually work," Sapnap agreed.

"Plan?" Bad questioned as he glanced at Dream.

"I had no clue Bad," Dream defended as he hid his face.

"Neither did we Drem boi," Tommy and Tubbo said.

"So everyone else knew?" Dream inquired.

The room went silent. All eyes turned to y/n.

"Yes, we did," y/n spoke up.

"Since when??" Bad yelped, confused.

"Since 4 nights or so ago," Techno stepped in.

"Oh," was all Dream and Bad muttered before the two left.

"Now what?" George asked.

"Now we wait," y/n said.

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