Last day...

11 1 0

Tubbo was fretting in his room. Tommy had driven down to his house and he was leaving for home in two days. Both boys had spend their week well, from streaming together to spending time at the local fair. Even though they shared lots of laughs, Tubbo had a nagging feeling at the back of his mind. Would Tommy see him as anything more than a weird friend? A friend that he could praise behind closed doors? The friend that could make anyone's day? It worried him. He tried to push it all behind, but that clearly failed. The brunette's head was filled with these concerning thoughts, ones that you or I would deal with when stressed. 

Tommy was thinking similarly. Tubbo was basically his best friend, and it worried him that he was thinking such... absurd thoughts. Did Tubbo think he was annoying? Or that he was bossy? Or weirdly sentimental at times? These thoughts filled his head, threatening to overflow. 

You can tell at this point that they would regret never telling each other about their curiosity's hellish thoughts. Which, you would be completely right. It wasn't until a few years later, when Tommy was announcing that he was quitting youtube for the sake of his job, that Tubbo took action.

"Tommy?" Tubbo asked.
"What is it Tubbo?" Tommy responded.
"So I heard you're quitting youtube..." Tubbo began.
"Yeah, I have to, or else work'll be the end of me," Tommy said, "What of it?" 
"Are we still going to be friends?" Tubbo asked.
"I... I don't know..." Tommy confessed, "I mean, we might drift apart because I would be too busy to talk and you have youtube."
"So let me ask a question." 
"Go ahead Tubbo," Tommy encouraged.
"So what did you think of me?" Tubbo finally asked.

The question caught Tommy off guard. Even with his talkative stream personality, he couldn't form words to respond to Tubbo's dying question.

"I- um- uh..." Tommy stuttered. 
"Take your time..." Tubbo told the stuttering mess of an ex-youtuber.
"Well..." Tommy began, clearly giving his words some thought to seem more genuine, "You're probably the best friend I have. I don't usually say this often enough, so I guess now you know."
"O-oh..." Tubbo murmured.
"And what about you?" Tommy asked, "What did you think of me?"

The line went silent. Tommy was anticipating something like, "Oh Tommy I actually hated you, you're the worst," or, "I never liked spending time with you, I only did it for the money/ views." Yet, when Tubbo finally replied, it didn't meet Tommy's expectations. In fact, what he said was quite the opposite from what the blond thought.

"You are by far the greatest friend I have. I loved every second of the time we spent together, even if you called me weird or complain to me about girl problems. Thank you for staying, Tommy," Tubbo confessed, on the brink of crying.
"So... I guess since this is basically your last day of being friends-" Tubbo began, before being interrupted by Tommy.

"Whoever said we couldn't be friends anymore?"

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