"He's as dense as a rock, why do I love him so much?" - Sapnotfound

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A/N: Time for some more weird writing :) Also enjoy this angsty-ish story

Sapnap's POV

I sat down at my desk, ready to record another video with Badboyhalo. As I set up OBS, get on minecraft, and call Bad, my mind suddenly wanders to George, the dense-ass bitch that stole my heart. I must have sat there drooling about George as Bad had to scream my name multiple times to get my attention.

"Sapnap!" Bad's words finally reached my ears, "Are you there?"

"I- um- yeah?" I stammered, hoping he doesn't catch on the fact that I was in love with my best friend (a/n: oOooOoOoOoooOo okok I'll chill-).

"You sure?" Bad asked.

"Yep!" I tried to chirp.

--Time Skip cuz the video isn't important to the story--

"So are you sure you're okay? You were acting all odd during the recording," Bad inquired.

I felt my face flush red as I thought of George for the millionth time that day. Bad took the silence as a no.

"Y'know, you can talk to me you muffin," Bad informed me.

I only hummed in response. Do I tell Bad about my lovesickness for a dork that'll never love me or not? Fuck it, my mind seemed to have said.

"I'm in love with George and I don't know what to do," I felt myself tell Bad. 

"Oh?" Bad smirked, "So you love George."

"Well, I'm pretty sure he doesn't love me back," I stated blantly.

Bad's smirk seemed to have been wiped from his face.

"He should! You're an amazing muffin, I'm sure he'd love you!" Bad exclaimed.

"He's as dense as a rock! Why do I love him so much..?" I sobbed, trying to keep my composure.

Bad tried everything in his power to try to make me smile again, but I kept sobbing. After some time, I think Bad gave up. He wished me good night with a hint of sadness as both he and I logged off. 

Looking at the time, I realized it was really late. I decided to go prep for sleep and 30 minutes later, I was lying in bed, my heart racing. I was cursed to love my worst enemy. Life was gonna be shit.

Badboyhalo's POV

I pretended to log off, but in reality returned to the call I was in with George and Dream. Both of them were in shock as I relayed the information I had gotten from Sapnap. I felt so bad for the muffin; he didn't deserve to be heartbroken. I did.

"So he loves me, and thinks I..." George trailed off, tearing up.

"Y-yeah," I murmured, my heart dropping.

"So I won't be rejected if I confessed?" George asked.

"Yeah pretty much," Dream summed up, probably just as heartbroken as I was.

Dream had had a crush on George for as long as he had known the guy, while I loved Sapnap since around a year before. We both knew we loved them, but we could never have them. They were a match made in heaven while me and Dream were slowly dying without their knowledge.

"Just go for it," I told George. 

--Time skipping to the next day yeet--

George's POV

Today was the day I confessed to Sapnap. I felt butterflies churning in my stomach as I logged onto the smp server to stream. Once I got in, I pressed the Go Live button and waited for people to flow in. Looking around the smp server, I found Sapnap and Dream messing around near Ponk's house. I got into their discord call and listened to the two chat. A few seconds later, something "came up" for Dream and he had to go. Once he signed out, I opened my mouth.

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