Wattpad - Skephalo

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A6d decided to pull out some skephalo fanfic that someone had written. He and his three friends Dream, Skeppy and Badboyhalo were recording a video for A6d's channel, and the frenchie had the great idea to do a reaction video to a fanfic. So as the four pulled out a random story on wattpad, Skeppy noticed what the story was about.

"A6ddddddd," Skeppy dragged the "d", "Why is it a skephalo fanfic?"

"The answer will come with time," A6d foreshadowed.

"Pfft, just read the first bit, it's gonna be amazing," Dream commented as he skimmed through the chapters.

"Hey, don't read the whole thing!" A6d yelled.

"Oh my goodness I never knew Sapnap wrote fanfictions," Bad exclaimed, pointing his cursor at the user who wrote the fanfiction they were about to read.

"Well now you know," Dream said.

"Can we just get this over with?" Skeppy begged.

A6d only hummed in reply. 

"Dream, would you like to be the narrator?" A6d asked Dream, smirking.

"Of course," Dream answered, returning the smirk.

Bad and Skeppy were confused, but went along with it.

"It was a calm morning as Skeppy made his way to his new school," Dream began, "New school, new rules, he thought, May as well try to make some friends. He kept walking until he made eye contact with a fellow student. This student had dirty blond hair, forest green eyes, and was taller by around a foot. Skeppy quickly turned away, blushing. He didn't realize that student was making his way towards the blushing mess until Skeppy heard the student speak.

'Hey you muffin, I'm Darryl, president of the student council. You must be Zak, right? I'll show you around, then bring you to the office so you can get your schedule and locker number,' Darryl introduced himself.

'Ah, h-hello,' Zak stammered, 'I'm Zak.'"

"I'm not that shy!" Zak interrupted, killing a couple ears.

"Oh my goodness Skeppy, let the muffin continue!" Bad yelled.

Dream and A6d hummed in response. Skeppy huffed before seemingly slumping in his chair. Bad could imagine what Skeppy was doing as Dream continued reading. Images of Skeppy raced through his head at 2000 km/h (a/n: I have 0 clue how fast it'd be in american terms; I'm Canadian), causing him to furiously shake his head and blush. Why did his mind choose to imagine Skeppy's adorable face in so many emotions?

A6d could hear Bad sigh as Dream got to the part where Darryl bumped into Zak in the forest at night talking about their troubles. A6d stopped Dream from continuing, wanting to confront Bad about the sigh. The dirty blond haired man hadn't spoken a single word since Skeppy's outburst at the beginning, and it concerned A6d.

"Hey Bad, are you okay?" A6d inquired, concern lacing his words.

"Mmyeah, I'm fine," Bad muttered in reply.

 "You sure?" A6d confirmed.

"Yep," Bad chirped.

Skeppy's heart threatened to explode from hearing Bad chirp happily. Skeppy had known since forever that he loved Bad, hence all the trolling. But Bad was as dense as a rock.

"Alright," Dream stated, "I'll just continue from where I left off..."

An hour goes by of Dream reading the story only to get interrupted by either Skeppy's outbursts, Bad's confused comments, or A6d's concerns for Skeppy or Bad. When Dream finally finished the story, A6d swore he heard Skeppy mutter something.

"What did you say?" A6d asked Skeppy.

"It's nothing," Skeppy claimed.

"Uh huh, yeah no it's not nothing," Dream declared, "Were you muttering about a certain Badboyhalo?"

Bad could feel his heart pound loudly in his ears. He couldn't even hear Skeppy denying or Dream and A6d's teasing. The pounding in his heart was too loud. He barely heard it when Skeppy finally admitted what he muttered.

"Okay fine!" Skeppy screamed, "I muttered, 'If only the dense muffin really loved me like that.'"

"So you like Bad?" A6d teased.

"Maybe he does," Dream smirked.

"I do you idots! I love him for goodness sakes, and he's as dense as a rock!" Skeppy admitted.

Bad didn't know if he should feel happy or heartbroken. He was happy that he had a chance to be with his best friend as something more, but hearing that Skeppy couldn't see that Bad loved him back hurt him.

"Well surprise surprise, this whole video was for Bad to confess his feelings!" A6d exposed Bad.

"Wait, wha-?" Skeppy started to try to process what had happened when Bad interrupted.

"I love you too Geppy," Bad confessed.

Dream waited for Skeppy to respond to Bad. The call was silent until Skeppy finally processed what had just happened.

"Can Dream and A6d leave now? I'm sure the fans don't need to know every single thing about our private lives," Skeppy asked.

"Fine," Dream pouted as he moved himself and A6d into another call.

"That actually worked," A6d stated, as if he didn't believe it.

"It really did, french boi," Dream confirmed.

"We finally did it," A6d murmured, "After all these years, the ship has finally sailed."

"It sailed Vin," Dream whispered, "It finally sailed."

A/N: Um sorry if this was so confusing, I tried. It's also not proofread (At the time of writing this at least). I know I'm trash at writing, so feel free to critique my writing and point out any small mistake I made.

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