A mute and the man that visited - SkeppyPVP

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Skeppy was casually streaming when he got a phone call from a friend, Technoblade. Normally Techno would use discord or teamspeak, but Skeppy wasn't online for some weird reason. So phone call it was. It rang for a bit, Skeppy scrambling to answer, when Techno started contemplating why he called Skeppy. Sure, Bad was in the hospital, but still. 
"Helloooooo?" Skeppy greeted enthusiatically.
"Hello Skeppy," Techno replied.
"Why'd you call? I'm streaming!" Skeppy whined.
"Um, Bad's in the hospital..." Techno muttered.
"What?? No way, how??" Skeppy demanded.
"He uhh got in an accident. You should go check on him, I'm worried," Techno told Skeppy, who immediately ended his stream and questioned Techno about which hospital Bad was in, etc.

Skeppy sped to the hospital set in his gps while obeying road laws. He ran into the reception area, where a nurse led him to Bad's room. It was a nice room, but shared with a couple "residents". Beds lined on either side of the room, with an aisle in the middle. Bad was seated on a bed in the corner, a younger man on the bed next to his. Skeppy made his way to Bad and tried to resist the urge to hug the taller man.
"You idot!" Skeppy almost screamed (a/n: he's in a hospital, he shouldn't be screaming smh).
"Hello to you too Geppy," Bad replied, chuckling.

The man in the bed besides Bad's watched the two friend conversate. Oh how he wished to have friends like that! But alas, all his friends are either fake or dead. He noticed the shorter man make eye contact with him and looked away, blushing. Well shit, he saw me staring, he thought, he probably thinks I'm weird

Skeppy laughed to himself. He definitely saw that younger man staring at him and Bad. Bad noticed Skeppy not pay attention anymore and decided to tease him about it.
"Are you thinking about the muffin that's right there?" Bad asked, gesturing at the blushing mess of a man on the nearby bed.
"I- No I sWeAr!" Skeppy screeched.

The man laughed. Bad faced the man now sitting on the man's bed and decided, "Hey, let's ask that guy for his name and maybe a number for Skeppy ;)"
"Hey, excuse me, what's your name?" Bad asked the man.

The man grabbed a piece of paper and started writing. Skeppy turned to face Bad.
"What are you trying?" he hissed.
"Getting a name and a number for you since you clearly can't do it yourself you muffinhead," Bad teased.
"Wha-" Skeppy exclaimed before feeling a tap on his shoulder.

Skeppy turned and accepted the paper, reading it. Call me Mega, it said.
"Well call me Bad, and this is Skeppy," Bad introduced.

Part 2..?

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