"Ever heard of knocking?" - Dream x reader

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A/N: Please kill me I've read too many dream x reader stories I think I've become a simp-

You scrolled through twitter as you waited for your roommate George to finish his stream. You were bored out of your mind, and with George streaming, you couldn't do what you usually did when you were bored. Your friends were asleep at this time, which was usual considering the fact that your friends were in different time zones and at nighttime, they were never online. You decided to tweet something.

(y/u) tweeted: I'm bored, roomie's streaming, and none of my friends are online. Someone talk to me.

You instantly got a bunch of dms, but one stood out to you.

Dreamwastaken2: hi
(y/u): hello
Dreamwastaken2: how are you
(y/u): i'm fine, wbu
Dreamwastaken2: doing great. join me in mc
(y/u): fine lemme boot up my computer

You logged on minecraft, waiting for this "Dreamwastaken2" person to tell you what to do from there. Your phone dings again. 

Dreamwastaken2: you got discord?
(y/u): yea it's (insert discord cuz I don't wanna make one up)
Dreamwastaken2: ok i'll add you

You got on discord, immediately accepting the mysterious person's friend request. Why you decided to play minecraft with this human being, you didn't know. The dude could've been a cereal killer for all you knew! But you felt in your gut that the person wasn't going to lure you out of your home and kidnap/kill you. Even if he did, you would've gotten George to go with you. Your roommate was actually pretty tough off camera. The unknown entity called you on discord, and you answered it. There was a moment of silence before you heard a voice on the other line.

"Hello?" a soothing voice asked. You felt as if that voice could lull you to sleep if you weren't careful.

"Hi," you squeaked. You mentally facepalmed.

"So what do you feel like doing on minecraft?" the thing on the other side asked.

"Um, I don't even know your name," you stated, "What am I supposed to call you? Batman?"

"Oh, sorry," the humanoid apologized. You couldn't see their face, but you could tell that they were blushing. "Call me Dream."

"Ah, call me (y/u) then," you said.

"So what do you feel like doing on minecraft (y/u)?" Dream repeated.

"Mm, how bout just a vanilla world?" you suggested, "I just want to get my mind off the fact that it's midnight and I feel like building."

"Sure," Dream agreed before sending you an ip address.

The both of you hopped on the world, immediately gathering resources and getting to know each other. You two had so much fun building random statues of friends and things that you didn't realize it was five in the morning for you until George knocked at the door.

"Sorry to bother you (y/n), but it's five am and I'm pretty sure you have work later," George told you, oblivious to the fact that Dream was on call with you.

"George is your roommate??" You heard Dream exclaim.

"Uhh George?" You inquired.


"You know a guy named Dream, right?"

"Dream??" George exclaimed. You could hear Dream freaking out on the other end of the screen.

"Yeah?" You replied, unsure, "Well I'm playing minecraft with him right now."

"Oh my god, this is great! Now you two won't be so awkward when he flies here to visit!" George cried with glee. 

"He's flying here??" You almost screamed.

"Yeah- Wait shit my plane leaves in 3 hours!" Dream screamed before bidding you goodbye. 

You ended the call and frantically ran around the house helping George clean up before you left for work. After the two of you finished and you were about to leave for work, the house was scrubbed spotless and you reminded yourself to remind George to clean the house like this again when you two had friends over again. 

When you arrived at work, you saw your friend (f/n) at the cashier. You waved at them before ducking into the backroom to shove your bag into a corner and helped (f/n) with their shift. 

Once your hell at work was over, you basically sped home while obeying the road laws to meet Dream. You open the door to see them cuddled on the couch watching some of Techno's videos.

"Oh my~" you cooed before taking a picture.

"This isn't what it looks like!" they both screamed as George chased you around the house.

You locked yourself in the bathroom as George banged on the door outside. 

It wasn't what it looked like... because you knew George well enough to know that you were only teasing. 

It was like this for most of the duration of Dream's stay. Work, come home to them cuddling, take picture and run. But near the end of his stay, you accidentally did something weird. Walk in on the guy showering. You and George were okay with it (A/n: please don't actually walk in on someone showering unless they're ok with it), it was normal for the two of you to randomly walk in on each other showering to grab things like towels, phones life on the counter, hair dye (If you don't use hair dye than ignore this), etc. You thought George was taking a shower... until you heard an unholy screech from the person showering.

"Do you have a creepy crush on me?!" Dream screamed.

"Wait Dream you're the one taking a shower?!" you yelled back.

George ran into the washroom before realizing what happened.

"Ever heard of knocking (y/n)?" George teased before Dream chased him out.

After George was gone, you and Dream awkwardly stood in the washroom, his wet hair making him look way hotter than before. You blushed at the thought before brushing it off. Looking Dream in his sparkling emerald eyes, you could see that his face was red, presumably from either anger or embarrassment. You two stood like that until Dream broke the silence.

"Why'd you walk in?" 

"The door was unlocked, and I thought it was George showering," you replied.

"You walk in on each other showering?" Dream asked in shock.

"It's usually to grab something... I didn't know you were showering I'm sorry-"

He hugged you, getting you soaked. 

"It's fine, George never taught me how to lock the door," Dream murmured into your ear.

"Maybe I'm okay with this 'cause I like you," you heard him mutter before unwrapping his arms and putting on his clothes.

"Maybe we're both not embarrassed by this 'cause we love each other," you told him before walking out of the room. 

A/N: Yeet help me. Why did I write this- I'm questioning my life choices as I write this I-

"... And that's how me and your mother/father/parent started dating," Dream concluded.

"So you two started dating because they walked in on you showering?" your daughter (d/n) summed up.

"Yep, basically," you laughed as you remembered that faithful day. 

You pulled out a photo George would've wanted deleted by now.

"And this was from when I first came home to your father cuddling Uncle George," you teased Dream.

"Why do you still have that??" Dream almost screamed.

"Gotta catch me if you want it deleted!" You called as you and Dream ran around the house.

"Gee, my parents are really childish," (d/n) murmured as she called up her girlfriend Katie.

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