Stargazing - Skepnoblade

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Skeppy could never sleep at night sometimes. Most of the times that happened, he would be doing a random late night stream to entertain his fanbase. But tonight, he didn't feel like streaming. Tonight, he decided to go stargazing at 2 am. He slipped out of his house, trying not to wake up his roommates Spifey and TapL, and followed his feet to a nice and quiet park that was empty. He sat down on a bench and started admiring the stars. He sat there in silence for half an hour before he heard someone sit beside him.

"Wow, the stars are pretty tonight, aren't they?" Skeppy commented, trying to start a conversation.

"They sure are," the stranger agreed.

"What's your name?" Skeppy asked.

"It's Techno," the figure told the midget beside him.

"Well, I'm Skeppy!" Skeppy exclaimed.

Techno laughed before looking back at the stars. Skeppy admired Techno's features in the moonlight. He was taller than Skeppy, with chocolate brown hair and eyes that sparkled like jewels. Techno was wearing a seemingly pink hoodie that had pigs all over it. Techno could feel Skeppy's gaze on him but decided against confronting the smaller man. The two just sat there in silence, one staring at the stars while the other admired his company's appearance in the moonlight.

A/N: What did I just write?  

This was an attempt on something that isn't so romantic but it is anyways. Whelp :p

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