The New Boy Who Lived

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The New Boy Who Lived

"Mr. Longbottom, will you please come with me." came McGonagall's voice and Frank Longbottom looked up from his dinner plate, eyes wide.

Was he in trouble?

He didn't remember doing anything wrong..well besides what happened at breakfast but he could never help it when Lestrange was around. Just thinking about that Death Eater brat had his blood boiling with rage.

"Uh right." he stammered, trying to ignore the snickers he heard from the Slytherin table. His eyes met Hadrian Black's and he immediately looked away, his heart racing. Something about that boy always made him feel afraid.

"Where are we going, ma'am?" he asked warily once they had entered the hall. Nearly Headless Nick caught sight of them and waved, making Frank smile just a little.

"The Headmaster needs to see you. That is all I can say for now." said McGonagall, giving a small, reassuring smile and Frank relaxed at this. He wasn't in trouble. At least, he hoped not. His grandmother would have his head if he were.

McGonagall stopped at a statue of a gargoyle and uttered, "Chocolate frog."

The statue moved and revealed a pair of spiral steps leading up into what Frank assumed was an office. "The headmaster is waiting. Just go right in." said the elder witch. Frank nodded once, then made his way up the stairs, glancing back when he heard the statue move once more.

He swallowed his nerves and looked ahead, his steps echoing through the narrow hall.

"Mr. Longbottom, come in, come in." came Albus Dumbledore's grandfatherly voice as he reached the top of the steps and Frank looked around the office in awe. Though if he were someone else the office most likely would have given him a headache with how seemingly disorderly it was.

There were trinkets and doodads everywhere of all shapes and sizes, colors. But the most intriguing thing, was the bird that sat perched in a cage beside Dumbledore's desk.

It looked kind of sick.

"Headmaster, am I in trouble?" he asked carefully as he took the seat in front of the desk and Albus shook his head, his blue eyes twinkling away. "Not at all, my boy. Not, at, all. In fact, I quite think that you are now in a very good position. You see..Harry Potter was not the Boy Who Lived, as I had thought."

Frank's eyes widened and Albus gave a small sigh.

"Yes, shocking I know. I miscalculated the events of that night ten years ago. You see Frank, you are the Savior. You will defeat Voldemort."

Hadrian Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now