Dark Elves, Vampires and Surprises (For Dumbledore Mind You)

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Dark Elves, Vampires and Surprises (For Dumbledore Mind You)

Hadrian was aware of Draco and Tom making up.

He could feel their connection once again. However, he did not attempt to speak to Tom.

The only reason he even opened their connection again was because Draco mentioned that Tom was even more affected by their absence than they were his. Remus mentioned this was probably because Tom was the dominant. He explained that depending on their connection type, one or the other would be affected more when their mate or mates were either injured or ignoring them.

Usually the dominant because it was their duty to protect their mates. Which was why Draco was so distressed over Hadrian as was Tom. Draco was a dominant with both a dominant and submissive mate. Though Hadrian did find this a tad bit annoying. How come he wasn't dominant?

But enough of that.

The Weasley home had been thoroughly cleaned and expanded to become Hadrian's base and now, they were calling one of the many meetings they would have with the dark elves and the vampires.

"Tom will be here soon." stated Draco from his seat beside the fireplace of the first sitting room. Hadrian hummed in response as he marked his page in the book he was reading, closing it carefully.

Draco sighed at this, not being able to help it as his eyes roamed over the raven. At that moment the boy was in a set of his finest robes, deep black in color with silver embroidery and the Black crest stitched into the back. His raven streaked red hair was tied back into a neat pony tail, strands falling into his face.

He looked good. Really good.

Their eyes met and Hadrian raised a perfectly arched brow as he stood. "Yes?"

"I've already forgiven him, why not you?" replied the blonde as he too stood, running his fingers through his hair. It wasn't slicked back this time, instead in its natural state. He himself was in robes of silver blue with dragon skin boots, his heir ring glittering on his left finger and the bracelets he received from Tom and Hadrian.

Hadrian had a hard time keeping his eyes off the blonde but forced himself to focus.

"Because he does not deserve it right now. Until I can see and hear that he is sincere, we won't be speaking. However, for this meeting, I can be polite as we have guests." replied the raven as the two left the room, side by side.

"He is, and, he misses you Hadrian. He won't say it but I can feel it. You're hurting him." said Draco and Hadrian scoffed. "And you're saying you've forgotten how he's hurt you?" said Hadrian, glancing over at his Consort and Draco shook his head slowly.

"Of course not. But I understood why he was so upset. I was the same when I saw you. If it had been something Tom had done to get you in that position, I would blame him as well. I don't think you understand just how important you are Hadrian. So many people care about you. The only thing keeping us from fighting, is you. If you weren't here we'd still hate Ron, we'd probably be power hungry and fighting for a position beside Tom. Your entire existence is why we don't. I was hurt. But I'd have been more hurt if we lost you."

Hadrian didn't respond and Draco sighed but didn't bring it up again. The two entered the meeting room, a room that had most likely been a storage room before, and found two men seated at the table. Beside them were their own Consorts. Hadrian looked around and met Tom's crimson gaze.

The man gave a polite smile and Hadrian smiled back before meeting Severus' eyes.

"As you know, Hadrian, beside me are my parents, Vladimir Romanov and Asyeria Romanov. King and Queen of the vampires. Across from them are Tora and Kiko, King and Queen of the Dark Elves. They have already met once and now we meet together to confirm our alliance and put rules in place." started Severus and Hadrian nodded as he stepped forward, holding out a hand for Vladimir Romanov to shake.

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