Christmas Break (Part 2)

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Christmas Break (Part 2)

When Hadrian awakened he could feel strong arms wrapped around his waist, warm breath fanning across his neck.

When he glanced back he could see that Tom was holding his smaller form, a peaceful expression crossing his features. It seemed that they had switched positions.

Hadrian yawned, checking the time and frowned when he saw that it was seven.

Seven in the morning?

They must have slept the rest of the day away.

"Kreacher." the elf appeared, beginning to open his mouth, when he spotted the sleeping Dark Lord and Draco. He immediately continued in a quieter tone, "Yes sir?"

"Could you make the three of us breakfast? Oh and, have the other elves here help you decorate the manor. Can't have Christmas without the decorations." said Hadrian and Kreacher gave a bow as he popped away.

"I am not fond of Christmas." came the Dark Lord's husky voice in the raven's ear and Hadrian shuddered, turning in his hold to look up at him. His eyes were hooded as he stared down at Hadrian, his expression not giving anything away. He didn't seem as upset as he did yesterday but Hadrian knew that was because he was blocking the raven out.

"You will be after our first together. Now tell me, why were you so upset?"

"And why were you blocking the connection between us?" Draco asked suddenly, the blonde sitting up and stretching, yawning slightly. Tom sighed at this, seeming reluctant as he said, "The connection was blocked so not to distract you...and I am not fond of often sharing how I feel with someone." he paused, closing his eyes and sitting up, pulling away from Hadrian.

The raven frowned at this as he too sat up right, staring at Tom worriedly.

"It isn't your fault Tom. We know it must be hard to trust others, but you can certainly trust us." said Draco and the man hummed. "I know. It doesn't make it any easier however. My reasons for being upset are quite irrelevant. I know you'll have my Horcrux soon, I am a tad impatient however. And..I've grown tired of the constant work I am bombarded with. It is no surprise and my inner circle Death Eaters help, but I must have forgotten how annoying and irritating these things are. The vampires won't agree to meet with us unless we have a representative and-"

"Wait. Why don't you just have Severus speak with them? He is a vampire, you know. I actually believe he's quite high up in their hierarchy." interrupted Hadrian and Tom blinked slowly. "What?"

"You didn't know? He was bitten and blood adopted by the vampires when he was a child. I believe the woman that did so was the wife of Vladimir Romanov, the King of Vampires."

Tom held his temples and sighed. "Of course he was. No. I didn't know. It's possible that I was too worried about things to ask. We haven't spoken in a while. He most likely didn't think it was important to tell me with everything going on. Well, that problem has been solved and..the dark elves won't speak with us unless you speak with them first."

At this Draco gave a confused stare and Hadrian raised a brow. "Me? And why would they want to speak with me?" he remarked and Tom hummed just as Kreacher appeared, a tray in hand. "Your breakfast, my Lord." he stated, Tom's lips quirking just slightly as Kreacher placed the tray onto the nightstand.

"Thank you Kreacher." he stated and the elf bowed as he left once again. Hadrian reached over, taking the first two plates and passing them to Tom and Draco, then took the last for himself.

"While researching the bond that we have, I've found that the reason why I connected with both of you so quickly is because you have creature blood in your line. Specifically, dark elf blood, which the Blacks happen to be known for. Draco is most likely a veela. I suspect this because the bond we share is called a Soul bond. Different from a normal soulmate and that of a normal Consort bond. A Soul bond links the souls of a couple or couples, throughout their entire lives. Including past and future lives. No matter how far the distance or how much time passes, those souls are meant to be together. They may change somewhat but they will still be attracted to their other halves. There is no way to change that. Only dark elves and veela are able to have bonds like these with wizards. Because their mates are destined from birth. Wizards have two types of soulmate. The normal type and the legitimate type. The legitimate type is basically a true soulmate. A soulmate meant for them since before they were even thought of. A soulmate created by Lady Magick. A normal soulmate is one they meet in life, not destined for them in the next but will stay till the end." explained Tom and Draco was silent a moment.

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