A Visit (Ron)

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A Visit (Ron)

Ron was nervous. Why? Because Hadrian, Draco and all his friends would be visiting him that day. Including Neville.

Not only did Ron really want to impress Hadrian, but he really wanted Neville to have at least, some sort of fun.

He had begun to really like the boy and wanted to begin courting him. Of course being poor was a problem but..he would find a way around that. At least he had the pureblood status going for him.

Ron was very surprised when Hadrian stated that he was visiting Ron and not the twins. When he asked why, the twins said that Hadrian wanted to see how far he's come.

He didn't exactly understand that but he supposed he would.

So, the night before, Ron spent the entire day cleaning and organizing his own room and the whole house. Something he would never dream of doing before. With the twins help he had magically expanded his room, making it spacious enough for everyone to fit, and made snacks and things.

He even, with Fred's suggestion, set up a very comfy chair that resembled a throne, just for Hadrian to sit in. They thought it suited the raven. And now, Ron was waiting, his stomach churning.

He knew that the first to arrive would be Padma and Parvati, the last being Draco, Neville and Hadrian himself. The trio so close, they would never leave without one another. Fred and George wouldn't be around that day, as they said before, this was Ron's day.

And Ron had no idea what was going to happen.

"Ron! Some girls are here for you!" came Ginerva's voice and Ron found himself looking over his clothes again. He had used a bit of the money Bill had gifted him to buy a new pair of trousers and pants. Both black in color, though his shirt had deep green stripes as well.

He thought he looked okay at least. Even his hair was neatly combed out.

Ron didn't bother to yell back as he left the room and made his way downstairs. Sure enough, standing in the embarrassingly small living room, was Parvati and Padma. The twins were dressed in similar outfits. Parvati in a black blouse with a black skirt and Padma in a white blouse with a black skirt. They both had on matching flats and their dark hair was decorated with hairbands.

Their expressions had been mildly agitated until they spotted Ron and smiled warmly. Ginerva looked nervous and kind of envious as she stood off to the side, staring at the twins. Her eyes were trained on the matching diamond studded bracelets on either one of their wrists.

"Hi Parvati, Padma. Um, that's my sister Ginerva..we just call her Ginny." said Ron, kind of awkwardly but as any good host, he was being polite. The twins gave Ginerva fake smiles and she blushed, smiling back shyly. "It's nice to meet you Ginny." they said in union.

"You too. I love your hairbands." she said politely and the twins smiled once more before looking back at Ron.

"I love the shirt Ronny, brings out your eyes." teased Parvati and Ron huffed, finding himself oddly relaxed in their presence. It was just like with the twins, or when he was around any of his other friends and he didn't exactly know why but he definitely reveled in the feeling.

"Uh huh. And that skirt does wonders for your skin, or something girly like that." he replied, smiling when the two laughed.

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