Peter Pettigrew

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Peter Pettigrew

Peter Pettigrew knew from the moment his dark mark began to burn, he was a dead man. Maybe even before that.

The fat, ugly man, had never had the best of luck in life. Even after befriending Sirius Black and Remus Lupin, his luck was still terribly bad.

The woman he loved was already in love with Remus. His family hated his existence, he would forever be in poverty and then..he made mistakes. Mistake after mistake after mistake. It started with becoming Dumbledore's second spy, then only went down hill from there.

He caused his friend's wife to be murdered, his son kidnapped and to put the icing on the cake, he was imprisoned for twelve years. Then, Peter ran away from them in a form of a rat, only to be cornered by Albus Dumbledore again. Now he had to either kill or capture Hadrian Black so Dumbledore could use him for another plan that was sure to fail.

To make matters worse, he was almost certain the Dark Lord was after him. He had several close calls with Death Eaters just in that month.

He wouldn't last much longer if this kept up.

At that very moment, the man was riding in the coat pocket of one, Frank Longbottom. The boy had found him cowering at the very back of Magical Menagerie and apparently thought he'd be a good pet. Better than his toad.

The only good thing about this situation, was that Longbottom could be his ticket to Hadrian. All he had to do was sneak into the brat's room and slip him some poison or something. It shouldn't be too hard. Sirius had been a Gryffindor so Hadrian would be too.

The man, with a rat's likeness, peeked out of the small pocket of Longbottom's coat, seeing that the boy was now passing another group of children. Only, they had a very superior air about them.

At the lead was a tall, raven haired boy, his dark curls streaked with red and his features sharp. He had the strangest eyes Peter had ever seen in a wizard, even more so than Madam Hooch's golden eyes and that was only because of her Falcon Animagus. Even the Dark Lord's crimson eyes didn't match up to this child.

He was dressed in fine robes and around his neck was a large black snake, its scales shone red in the sunlight. Next came a blonde..that looked oddly familiar to Peter. He stood right beside the raven, his expression one of adoration.

Then came two red heads, twins, along with another, younger red head and a boy with grey eyes.

The group seemed to flock around the raven. He was obviously their leader.

There was a low hiss and Peter stiffened as his beady eyes came in contact with a large, pure white cat. His eyes widened slightly as the feline snarled at him. It was nearly as big as a small car. If it got any bigger, he was sure one of those children would be able to ride it.

"Malfoy, call off your cat." stammered Longbottom, trying to step around the feline, only for her to step into his path, her snarling getting louder. She was glaring right at Peter.

Then, Peter froze.


Of course. That's why the blonde looked so familiar. He had to be Lucius Malfoy's son.

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