A Conversation with Dumbledore

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A Conversation with Dumbledore

"U-Um..excuse me?" came a fearful voice, though no one was paying attention to said voice.

In the Slytherin commons at that very moment, Hadrian and his friends were seated around the fireplace, talking excitedly about their plans for Christmas break.

Hadrian was seated in the best chair with the twins at his feet as usual, Draco in the chair across from him, Ron and Neville splayed out on the floor, Blaise leaning against the wall beside the fireplace, Theo in a lone sofa reading a book and even Parvati and Padma sprawled across another sofa.

It was a sight that most of the Slytherins were getting increasingly used to.

"Excuse me..?" came the voice again and Daphne Greengrass, who had been reading in a corner away from the Royals as they were now called, placed her book to the side and approached Hadrian. The raven immediately looked up and Daphne motioned to the terrified looking first year that was standing off to the side, away from the invisible line that Fred and George had placed around that area, leaving it inaccessible to anyone but the Royals and anyone that were allowed to speak to them.

Daphne being one of those few students.

"Rowen there wants your attention." she said and Hadrian glanced over at said first year. He seemed to be extremely nervous and Hadrian found this somewhat amusing. "Rowen, was it? What do you want?"

"Headmaster Dumbledore wants to see you in his office, sir." at this the once carefree air immediately went stiff with tension. Rowen swallowed at the way Hadrian's friends stared at him, as if he were some kind of threat. The Malfoy especially.

"I see. I'll be there soon." stated the raven and Rowen nodded, scurrying away.

"What do you think he wants?" questioned Neville and Draco scowled. "Isn't it obvious? He's probably going to try and brainwash Hades or something like that. Hades thought he was Harry Potter at one time. He'll probably make it seem as if Hades was taken and blah blah blah." he muttered, Ron's expression turning to one of disgust at the words.

"You know, I figured Dumbledore was pretty shady. Especially after what he tried to get me to do." he said and Parvati gave him a curious stare. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, a while ago, before school, he tried to talk me into becoming friends with Harry Potter. Said I would be rich and famous and all that if I did. He even tried to bribe me with his own money. I pretended to agree just to get him to leave me alone. I didn't want to be friends with some Savior that was supposedly spoiled rotten and loves muggles." he muttered, then realized what he said and looked at Hadrian with wide eyes.

"No offense Hades! I didn't think you and Harry were the same person.." he laughed nervously and Hadrian rolled his eyes.

"We're not. Harry Potter doesn't exist. I don't blame you though. If I had grown up the way Dumbledore had wanted me to I can only imagine what the world would be like." he shuddered, the others sharing looks of agreement.

~Anubis, stay with Draco.~ he hissed and the snake nodded in response as he slid from up under Hadrian's robes, dropping onto the floor carefully and making his way to Draco's chair.

"I'll walk you there." stated Neville, his voice leaving no room for an argument. Hadrian chuckled at this but shrugged. If he really wanted to, he could make Neville stay but he didn't really mind the company. Besides, he wanted to know what Neville's deal with Ron was.

Hadrian could feel his friend's gazes on them until they were stepping out into the hall.

Tom? Would you like to observe our conversation?

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