The Quidditich World Cup

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The Quidditich World Cup

Frank Longbottom was excited.

Why? Because the minister had given him tickets to the Quidditch World Cup.

Who wouldn't be excited? After three dreadful years of being bullied, embarrassed and kicked off his rightful throne he now had something of his own to look forward to.

There would be no arrogant purebloods around, no two faced Gryffindors, no judgemental Hufflepuffs and no Hadrian Black.

He would finally be able to relax.

So he thought.

The boy had packed everything he needed, his grandmother had gotten them a tent and he had a few friends that would be joining him. Albeit, they were his cousins but they were better than no one at all. So when he and his grandmother passed a grand looking tent, he was not prepared for the familiar voices he heard.

"Oi! Fred! George! Change it back right now!"

It can't be...

"Fred, George. Please. I'm trying to nap." sighed the warm yet stern voice Frank knew all too well.


"Hades, have you seen my brush? Solaris is complaining about mud in her fur."

Frank paled and whipped around just as Fred and George Weasley came running out of the tent, laughing as Ronald Weasley chased after them, the boy's hair a horrid shade of pink and puke yellow.

The twins were laughing as Ron threw hex after hex at them.

"Damn it you two! You're Slytherin!"

"Doesn't mean we can't have fun!" they called back and Frank felt his stomach lurch as the tent opened, revealing Remus Lupin and two other red heads. One was taller than the other with piercings in his ears; he had a cool look about him while the other had a friendly smile.

Frank knew better though.

These two were also friends of Hadrian's.

Bill and Charlie Weasley.

Though Bill was apparently neutral.

But why was the DADA teacher with Hadrian's group?

"Those two. I hope they don't act like this when Luna shows up." chuckled Charlie and Remus shook his head. "They'll act much worse." he sighed and Frank paled at the sight of the large black dog that had just raced past with someone's hair piece in its mouth. "Hey! Give that back!" shrieked an old fat wizard as he tried desperately to catch the dog who just smirked wolfishly in response.

"Damn it Pads." cursed Remus and he too went after the dog.

The tent opened one final time and Frank didn't know how he kept his food up when Hadrian Black and Draco Malfoy stepped out with Lucius Malfoy, Solaris and Michael Crumbley by their side.

The group was dressed regally as always and Hadrian had an amused smirk on his face as he stared after Remus.

Anubis slid out by his feet and Frank shuddered. The snake was extremely large in length and width now. Large enough to swallow a wizard whole.

This group should've been out of place here but they actually looked as if they belonged and Frank hated that. He just wanted one week. One week without having to think about Hadrian Black and his obsessive posse of friends. One week. He couldn't have anything now could he?

"Everyone looks like they're having fun. They deserve the break." said Hadrian and Lucius sniffed. "Break does not mean act foolish." he muttered to which Crumbley chuckled. "Lighten up Lucius. Aren't you tired of always putting on a front?" he remarked and the elder Malfoy's lip twitched.

Hadrian Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now