In "Custody"

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In "Custody"

Hogwarts was alight with murmurs and hushed whispers, the air thick with tension as students worried about what would happen to Hadrian and who exactly was responsible.

"You're awfully cheerful, Longbottom." remarked Neville Lestrange suddenly. Class was at a stand still as most teachers were being raided by the aurors. Their classrooms and personal quarters being searched high and low for Peter Pettigrew.

Longbottom scoffed and all eyes were on the grey eyed male and the apparent saviour.

Neville's eyes were cold, his expression dark and his jaw clenched. Ron placed a hand on his shoulder but the boy shook it off, eyes flashing dangerously as Longbottom shrugged. "Yeah? Can you blame me? We can finally breathe without having to watch our backs. We all know how annoyingly controlling Black is." he muttered and Neville snorted, standing.

He lifted the sleeves of his robes and now Blaise stood, giving the boy a warning look. However, Neville ignored this. This wasn't just because he was pissed at Peter Pettigrew. It was because he was tired of Longbottom disrespecting Hadrian. Of his constant blabbing. Hadrian was like, no, he was, Neville's brother.

And he didn't care if Hadrian would be upset when he woke up..if he woke up. He was tired and he really needed to take his anger out on someone or else he might just snap.

"Yeah? You sure that isn't just cause you're jealous?" he uttered darkly and Longbottom tensed up but scowled in response. "Jealous of that arrogant prick? You're barmy, Lestrange." replied the lion, pretending not to be fazed when Neville laughed. "Barmy? The only lunacy here, is the obvious bullshit coming from your mouth." he replied and Lee gave a little laugh, obviously trying to ease the tension as he said, "Oi, Nev, why so serious mate? We all know Longbottom's just begging to be a victim so he can run off to Dumbledore."

Fred snorting with laughter as he nudged George, "Oh please sir! Lestrange has been staring at me all through class!" he coughed and George choked, "I'll see what I can do, my boy. Don't you worry."

"Lemon drop?" asked Padma innocently and the other students laughed as Longbottom's face reddened. "Yeah? Dumbledore is an amazing wizard! What is Black to him? Nothing but Death Eater scum! His dad's a murderer, his mum's a-"

The sound of glass shattering was heard and Theo winced as Neville had come across the table to shove Longbottom into it, his hands gripping the boy's collar so tight he was turning red in the face from the constriction on his throat.

"Say whatever you want to about us. About me. About the Death Eaters. But you will not put his mother's name in your mouth. You are nothing but a pawn in a game so much bigger than even Dumbledore. You are right. Uncle Sirius is a murderer. And so is Lucius. And my parents. And Blaise's and Theo's. Daphne's, Tracey's...but because you are right, remember this and I hope you remember well, when Dumbledore is dragged kicking and screaming off his imaginary throne..who do you think will be sitting there? Who will be responsible?" the boy paused as Longbottom paled, his face flushed with the effort to breathe and his hands shaking.

It was completely silent and Neville gave a cruel smile.

"You know who. You know who will be sitting on the throne. He will be there and I will be right by his side. And when everything's done and just when you think I've forgotten about this day, I will take you by the neck and drag you out of your grandmother's house just as my parents did to yours and I'll look at my King and I'll say, what should I do to him? And you know what he will say?" Neville's voice had become a bone chilling whisper and Longbottom gasped for air when Neville loosened the hold on his collar.

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