An Unfulfilling End?

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An Unfulfilling End?

"Hades?" commented Draco, eyeing the raven worriedly as the boy fingered his bracelet lightly.

Christmas had come and gone, exams were done and now Hadrian and his friends were seated at the Slytherin table at the end of the year feast.

The raven had gotten the Slytherin Quidditch team a win every game they played, winning them the Quidditch cup and putting them in first place for the House Cup with nearly five hundred points.

Emerald green banners hung above them at all sides and the Slytherins, Severus Snape included were in great spirits.

The bracelet Hadrian was absentmindedly running his fingers over, was the Malfoy family signet bracelet. A Christmas gift from Draco that indicated that the raven was apart of the family. Hadrian had the feeling it was more than that but until Draco said otherwise, he wouldn't bring it up.

On Hadrian's right was Draco, as always, on his left was Neville then came Ron, Blaise beside Draco and Theo beside Blaise. The twins, Fred and George were across from them, Parvati and Padma on either side of them.

At the Gryffindor table sat an angry and depressed Longbottom as well as Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan, the trio glaring over at the Slytherins.

Quirrel was in his seat beside Severus and Dumbledore was looking oddly cheerful even though Gryffindor had lost the House Cup. Once again, to Slytherin.


Hadrian shook his head.

"Sorry Dragon..but, this is odd. I didn't retrieve the stone. Longbottom didn't..and Tom hasn't mentioned it. Doesn't this feel wrong to you?" he muttered, glancing up at a red eyed Quirrel who only smiled slightly in return.

Draco and the others shared a secretive look and Hadrian narrowed his eyes at them.

"You know something." he stated slowly and Draco looked away, clearing his throat. "Well yes..but it isn't anything bad. We can't tell you what it is." he said, tensing up as he expected Hadrian to lash out. But the raven just stared at him, then nodded once, picking up his fork and starting to finish off his treacle tart.

"I trust you Dragon."

Draco's face warmed at this and Neville snickered, causing the boy to shoot him a sharp glare, Neville coughing to contain his laughter.

Once everyone had finished their dinner, plates clean, Dumbledore stood, the room silent as they waited for the most anticipated event each year.

"Another year has gone by here at Hogwarts and now, it is time to announce the winners of the House Cup.." he trailed off as there was applause all around, smiling slightly.

"In last place, with one hundred and twenty-three points..Hufflepuff." there was polite applause around for the puffs, who looked defeated but smiled nonetheless. Hadrian thought the puffs were really too nice for their own good.

"In third place, with two hundred and fifty points exactly..Gryffindor." again, more polite applause, though the lions received no applause from the snakes causing them to shoot the Slytherin table seething glares. Hadrian chuckled at this.

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