Tom's Surprise

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Tom's Surprise

Halloween rolled around much quicker than anyone expected and unfortunately for the rest of the school, Hadrian was not in a good mood.

Not only were they celebrating Samhain, the muggle way, but Granger had been a huge thorn in Hadrian's side and if she even looked his way he thought he might snap. His friends were especially careful around him since it was the anniversary of his mother's death and the day his father was put in Azkaban.

"Sir, I really don't think the Headmaster would approve of this." came Granger's snobbish voice and Tom held his temples, suppressing the urge to curse the girl in front of the entire class.

Defense was their first class that day and he was trying to let them practice the spells they learned but apparently some of the Gryffindors, Granger in particular, thought it was too dangerous.

"Ms. Granger, raise your hand when you wish to speak, I'm sure your parents taught you that much, at least. As for the Headmaster, I'm sure he would agree that this class is for defense, yes? It would make sense to practice the spells you are learning to defend yourself from dark magic." said Tom, a certain edge to his voice and Granger's face went red as she cleared her throat.

"R-Right. Sorry sir." she mumbled and he gave her a tight lipped smile.

Of course, she didn't need to know that he was teaching them the dark spells for defense which were much stronger than the light.

"Ron I adore you, I really do, but you call that a protego?" muttered Neville as he watched Ron attempt to raise the protection shield around himself and Ron's face reddened. "Well excuse me, I'm better at attacking." he bit back, throwing a silent cutting spell at Neville's shield, the boy's eyes widening when the shield was down in one cut.

"Very good Ron. But Neville is right. You need to learn how to cast a proper shield. It wouldn't be in your best interest if Hadrian was hurt because your spell was weak." uttered Tom lowly and smirked at the determined glint that appeared in the red head's eyes as he nodded.

Tom went around to Hadrian and Draco and almost felt bad for the young blonde as Hadrian tossed spell after spell at his shield. Draco's face was flushed with the effort to keep his shield up and Hadrian looked irritated.

"Dragon. I know you aren't weak. Don't just stand there and let me break your shield. Attack and defend. You're good at both." said the raven, his tone commanding and felt pride from his connection with Tom when Draco immediately changed stances. Following Hadrian's orders with ease.

You're already such a good leader, little King.

Hadrian began to smile for the first time that day, until he was hit with a spell from behind and went flying into a wall.

Draco's eyes widened and Neville and Blaise immediately rushed to the raven's side, helping him up.

Anubis, who had been silently observing from Tom's desk, immediately hissed, his head turning toward Granger.

The bushy haired witch looked pale, her eyes wide. Longbottom looked sick as the entire Slytherin side were now shooting them deadly glares, Draco especially. Parkinson shot a spell at Granger and before Tom could comprehend what was happening, there were spells being tossed all around.

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