An Interesting Start to Second Year

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An Interesting Start to Second Year

"You're worried." said Draco from Hadrian's side. The two were the first in their compartment that day.

Hadrian was in his usual seat, only, now he was cuddled into Draco's side. The blonde holding his hand gently and smiling as Hadrian snuggled deeper into his side, leaning into Draco's touch as he played in his hair lightly.

"Of course I am. We still haven't found the missing Horcrux. I know it's close. I can feel it, but I'm still worried about who has it. If it's a light wizard they may give it to Dumbledore and that would definitely be a problem." he said and Draco nodded in understanding.

"I know but stressing yourself out over it will bring more harm than good. You have to keep your level head, like always. Don't worry so much. We'll help any way we can." said the blonde and Hadrian smiled, leaning up to kiss Draco's cheek. The blonde blushed and he smirked. "You're so cute Dragon."

"Shut up."

"Alright that's enough of that." grumbled Neville as he opened the door. He was already in his school robes and flopped down into the seat across from Hadrian. "Buzz off Nev. You'll be the same with Ron later. Just you wait." said the silver eyed boy and Neville shot him a glare, though his face was tinted pink.

"Speaking of which, did you talk to your parents about Ron?" asked Hadrian and Neville nodded. "Yeah. They were sceptical at first but when they saw him interacting with us over the summer they said they can look past the fact that he's a Weasley. They said that they could see that he really cares for me." he mumbled and Hadrian smiled.

"That's great. What now?"

"Well I owled him the Lestrange family signet bracelet. He didn't send it back, or a I guess I'll see what he thinks of it today." said Neville, his expression one of slight anxiety and Draco rolled his eyes. "I doubt he'd reject you. Get that fearful expression off your face. It doesn't suit you, Lestrange."

Neville rolled his eyes but smiled in response.

The door opened again and Hadrian wasn't surprised when the twins entered with Ron right behind. The raven took one look at the bracelet on the red head's wrist and smiled.

"You see it too, right?" smirked Fred and George fake swooned. "I can hear the wedding bells already." Ron groaned, face red as he took the seat beside Neville, who stared at him wide eyed. "Shut up you two." he mumbled, then met Neville's gaze. "So...?" he asked hesitantly and Ron smiled. "Yes." he said and Neville broke out into the widest smile Hadrian had ever seen from him.

He reached over to hug Ron and Draco coughed, snickering when Neville flipped him off in response.

"What's this I hear about wedding bells?" remarked Theo as he and Blaise entered next and Neville shot George a glare, to which the elder Weasley just smirked in response.

"Nothing. So, are we all set on what we'll be doing this year?" asked Ron, changing the subject and Hadrian chuckled, but gave them all inquiring gazes. Blaise hummed. "Yep. Be on the look out for a leather-bound diary that looks old and has the Dark Lord's initials on the front." he stated and Hadrian nodded.

"Good. Also..I've been meaning to speak with all of you," he paused when Parvati and Padma finally entered, the door closing behind them. "I think it would be beneficial to get the Hufflepuffs on our side." he finished and Theo raised a brow.

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