Intro (Part 1)

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                                                                             (Skeppy's POV)


I turned off the stupid clock. I really hated starting the day, getting dressed and going to the kitchen for food I found a note on the fridge. 'Don't forget about the meet-up!' That reminded me how I needed to get moving! It was the day where all of my friend were going to meet up. It was at pretty busy café at the café we were going to, but on Friday it was calm. It was going to be great! I pulled myself together and got ready. "Today was going to be a good day!" I told myself! "Nothing can get in our way," I kept saying. It was a sunny Friday morning, nothing out of the ordinary as I got in my car. Putting in the address the the café, I felt like something was watching me. Even though this feeling was real, I pushed it off to the side and started making my way to the high light of today!

                                                                          (Mega's POV)

'Maybe I shouldn't go.' I mouthed to my cat. It felt like she was the only one who could understand me, with me being mute. She looked at me with her beautiful  blue eyes, almost telling me how 'I was being over-dramatic and shouldn't worry so much'  I was worried so much I almost forgot the time! I didn't want to be late, so I quickly got my bad a keys and headed out.     I have a bad feeling about the meet-up. As I sat in my car putting the key in, I stopped. Now that I was in my car, I felt tense, it felt like I sat there a decades until I pulled out my phone to text Bad. Since he was the person who arranged this, maybe he could get my out of this.

Mega: Hey bad,

                                                              Bad: Oh hey Mega! What do you need?

Mega: I was wondering

 I stopped typing I didn't want to bail on them, or look like a wimp.  Even though I know Bad wouldn't mind me skipping, I didn't know how the others would react...

                                 Bad: Mega are you still there wdym I was wondering?

Mega: Oh yeah, nvm I'm good.

                                        Bad: Uh okay just tell me if you need anything

I sighed, Even though I didn't want to go, I still went. It didn't feel like I had a choice. 'It's going to be fine' I said. Nothing bad was going to happened to me just to visit, right?

                                                                                  (Zelk's POV)

I arrived at the Café, It was a old place, not much. There food was known to be good. I got us a big table for all of us to fit, since I was the first one there.  I was waiting for about five minutes, until Bad showed up! We planned with in advanced, so I wasn't surprised he was the second to show up.

"Oh my goodness, Am I late?" Bad exclaimed.

"No, your fine, not a lot of people showed up yet!" I assured him.

He smiled, then he went to order some food.

As we got more into the day more and more people showed up, though Tubbo and Tommy never came. Strange.  As we were all getting settled in, Mega walked through the doors.

He seemed nervous, and really wasn't comfortable with showing up. I started walking towards, but he dashed for the doors.  I started running after him to see if he was okay! When I finally caught up, he was already putting his keys in his car and was ready to leave.

"Hey, what up!" I shouted "What wrong with you?"

'It was a mistake' His phone said. 

"What do you mean?" I asked.

'I should have never showed up. I ruined everything. I ruined the whole meet-up!' his phone kept saying. I looked at him and his face was in his scarf looking like he was crying.  I didn't know how to react, I wasn't very good at handling with feelings. But he looked like he really needed to be comforted.

"Hey, everything is going to be okay. Nobody hates you and you haven't ruined anything." I said. I guess that made him feel better, cause we went back into the café,hoping no one noticed we were gone. When we walked in, I was terrified. Everybody was passed out, on the ground. After I snapped out of it, I realized that Mega was on the ground now.  I was frozen with fear, not knowing what was going to happen. Then everything went black.

Hi! Welcome to the author's note! So, I honestly don't know if I should continue with this or not. I think this is a okay start. Tell me if I should keep going or let this story die.

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