Oh, Zakkk... (Part 10 2/2)

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The boy woke up in a cold sweat,  as we went to his clock on his nightstand it read '7:30 AM'        Huh, was it all a dream?  Why was it so... real...  Ugh, He couldn't do this today, it was the day he was going to meet Bad!  He quickly got up and ran to his bathroom.  Zak went to the draws and got his toothbrush, he came up to see... Bad?  

"Zak!  How could you?!  You left me for dead!  Why Zak?!  Skeppy, why!?"

"B-bad, I-I didn't h-have a choice-"

It was gone, there wasn't anything behind him, it was just a mirror.  A mirror with a boy who carried a pang of guilt for what?  A dream he had?  Telling himself it was just a dream as he got ready.  Rushing out his door, not before petting Rocco of course.  Though in the dog's eyes he could see judgment. No, his dog wasn't judging him, it was just his mind.  He needed to clear his mind, maybe go to a park?  Yeah, that will help him.  He grabbed a piece of toast and an outside.  Waving to his neighbors, but they gave him a cold look.  Maybe they just had a bad morning?  He started walking down the road, Alice park was near his apartment that he could run there within 5 minutes.   Though his walk seemed to last for hours.  Getting weird looks from everyone,  even a mother rushed her child away from him! What had happened to his neighborhood, why was everyone so judgemental?  It seemed as the whole world was staring at him,  he needed to get away from this!  He ran back home and sat in his car.  Try to call Bad but, no answer...  Maybe  Finn would pick up?

"Finn, hey can I talk to-"

"What the fuck do you want you heartless monster?!  I thought you were in jail!"

"What??  Why would I be in jail?!"

"Cut the crap, Zak!  Bastards like you deserve to rot there!"

He quickly hung up the phone, what had gotten into her dear friend?  Was it something he said but couldn't remember?  He tried to re-call at least something to make Finn so mad, but nothing came to mind.  

Why was everyone so mad at him?  What were they so scared of?  When did Finn become so mean? Where did all of this judgment come from?  

Now, he wasn't in his car, he was in a black-walled room.  There was a bright light shining on him,  sitting on an old wooden chair.  

"How could you Zak?  You were my best friend...  I trusted you!"

Was that... Bad?


"Yes, it's me, Zak.  Your so-called best friend that you let DIE!"

"I-I didn't mean too! D-Dream forced me!"

"Nobody makes you do anything, Zak.  You have to be accountable for YOUR mistakes!  How could you?!  You left me when I needed you!"

"I-I'm sorry, Bad.  I-I didn't know w-what to do!"

"So you let me die?  You let your best friend die?!  Did I not mean anything to you?!  Am I not enough?!  Is that why you let me die?!  Is it because I'm not good enough to be your best friend?!  Are you that self-centered?!  That you would let someone die?"

"P-please s-stop  B-bad..."

"Why Zak?!  Why did you let me die?!  I trusted you Zak!!"



George:  Zak?! Wake up!  Dream what's wrong with him?!

Dream: I-I don't know!

Game Host: As I said, If you listened, the game will show your greatest fears.  If you can overcome them, you get to move on.  If you can't you'll be stuck here with your worst fear until you die.  Your fears were way less than his.

Dream: Well, what was it?

Game Host:  Now, I can't say it!  Now let's get a move on. 

George: But, what about Zak?

Game Host: Eh, you lose some, or kill some.  In his case, it's both!

As that game master pushed them downstairs, into an arena.  But that's for the next chapter...

(Okay, I felt like writing a chapter to this book.  Why hasn't it been updated for so long?  Because school and my other book lol)

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